Gabriel Obernosterer

The Carinthian VP top candidate has now been announced!

27.06.2024 21:22

For a long time it was a well-kept secret who would be the top candidate for the Carinthian People's Party (ÖVP) in the national elections - now it's out!

Now that all the other top candidates have been decided, it is now the ÖVP's turn: there has been speculation and guesswork as to whose name will be at the top of the Carinthian People's Party's state list. Although the constituency lists had already been determined, the number 1 was made a top priority: Deputy Governor and party chairman Martin Gruber presented the list to the executive committee on Thursday evening.

ÖVP Carinthia currently holds four seats
The fact that the Carinthian People's Party currently has four representatives in the National Council is thanks to three basic mandates and a top result of 34.9 percent (2019). However, the ÖVP will hardly be able to hold on to the almost 35%. According to reports, however, all ÖVP parliamentarians want to stay: Elisabeth Scheucher, Peter Weidinger, Gabriel Obernosterer and Johann Weber!

"This election is a duel between the ÖVP and the FPÖ. That's why responsibility, experience and stability were the most important parameters for drawing up the provincial list," emphasizes Carinthia's ÖVP Chairman Martin Gruber. This is why Gabriel Obernosterer will head this provincial list, followed by Elisabeth Scheucher and Johann Weber.

There will be no preferential voting - also interesting is the continuous zipper system, so that male and female candidates are equally represented.

ÖVP provincial list

1 Gabriel Obernosterer

2 Elisabeth Scheucher

3. Johann Weber

4 Sandra Lassnig

5 Peter Weidinger

6th Andrea Pecile

7th Martin Lackner

8th Gabriele Zinnauer

9. Andreas Kutej

10. Silvia Häusl-Benz


Klagenfurt constituency: Elisabeth Scheucher

Villach constituency: Peter Weidinger

Constituency West: Martin Lackner

East constituency: Johann Weber

About the person
Gabriel Obernosterer (69) has been a member of the National Council since 2006 and chairs one of the most powerful committees - the Budget Committee. The hotelier from the Lesachtal valley was also the regional party chairman of the ÖVP in Carinthia for two years.

"Our Federal Chancellor is someone who seeks dialogue instead of division. Someone who wants to work on solutions instead of dividing people. It is precisely this style of politics and this centrist approach that Austria needs in the future. He has the full support of Carinthia for this," Gruber continued.

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read the original article here.

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