Asylum policy of the SPÖ

Babler: “I would not court Orban”

27.06.2024 22:47

According to SPÖ leader Andreas Babler, a fair distribution of migrants in Europe is necessary. He would "not court" Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is known for his restrictive asylum policy.

Instead, he would "show him a clear edge", the politician made clear in an interview with ZiB 2 on Thursday evening. As reported , the SPÖ recently presented its ideas on Austria's asylum and integration policy. These include a fair distribution of migrants in the EU, women's rights as a guiding principle and a mandatory year of integration with German and values courses. Babler emphasized the need to get people into work quickly and bring them closer to values.

In summary, the arrivals of migrants should be reduced, but humanity should also be guaranteed when someone is seeking protection from war and displacement. In the interview with Marie-Claire Zimmermann, Babler emphasized several times that he wanted to improve the conditions for Austria's population.

"Made Gewessler's yes possible"
One example in this context is the EU renaturation law, which triggered a coalition dispute because Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) had voted in favor of it despite headwinds from the ÖVP. "Giving nature space is one of the most important battles we have to fight," said Babler on Thursday evening, citing disappearing glaciers, flooding and global warming. His party had made Gewessler's yes vote possible in the first place. The politician referred to the fact that Vienna's and Carinthia's SPÖ-led government had backed out of the joint veto by the federal states.

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Giving nature space is one of the most important battles we have to fight.

Babler ist für das EU-Renaturierungsgesetz

"Still scoring goals"
Another topic in the interview - alongside well-known demands such as an economic policy with ecological reform - was the National Council elections in the fall. "I would like to come first," said Babler, who also believes this is realistic. According to current polls, the SPÖ is only in third place, but is only a few thousand votes away from the FPÖ and ÖVP. Babler is also convinced that he can appeal to non-voters. The SPÖ's summer tour starts on Friday. At the decisive moment, goals will be scored at the end.

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read the original article here.

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