Total disaster

Biden calls Trump a “moron” in TV duel

28.06.2024 06:34

A good four months before the US presidential election, incumbent Joe Biden and his challenger Donald Trump have had a rough battle of words in their first TV duel. The Democrat wanted to appear demonstratively young - but he didn't really succeed.

In the 90-minute debate on Thursday in Atlanta, the two argued about the state of the economy, abortion, the wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, among other things. They also used strong language such as "moron" and "street dog". Trump fired off a whole broadside of false allegations in his usual manner, and the presenters from CNN often let him get away with it.

US President Biden often timid
Biden, on the other hand, often sounded hoarse, sometimes came across as timid and occasionally faltered. He accused Trump of lying and exaggerating. Trump rejected this and accused Biden of being the worst president ever. He also said he was responsible for a wave of crime by immigrants because he had not secured the border with Mexico enough. Trump also promised to end the war in Ukraine if he won the election, even before he was sworn in.

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Inflation is killing our country.

(Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Julia Nikhinson)

Donald Trump

In the TV duel, Trump fiercely attacked Biden for his economic policy. "Inflation is killing our country. It's absolutely killing us," said Trump. Biden had done a bad job. The Democrat defended his record. "But there's more to do. (...) Working class people are still in trouble."

Economy dominates
The economy was the first debate topic of the duel. The US economy is actually not in a bad position. The inflation rate has fallen significantly and the situation on the labor market is also good. Despite the Fed's rapid interest rate hikes in the fight against high consumer prices, there has been no recession.

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Everything he says is a lie.


Joe Biden

However, this does not seem to resonate with people in the USA. Many citizens are frustrated by the continuing high prices in the supermarket or the high cost of credit.

The Democrat called his opponent a "moron":

Biden called Trump a liar several times during the televised debate. "He exaggerates, he lies," said the incumbent president with regard to Trump's statements on the situation at the border. Regarding his rival's statements about veterans, Biden said: "Everything he says is a lie." The Democrat also referred to Trump as a "loser" and a "moron", alluding to an alleged statement Trump made about war veterans during his time in office.

Biden's age a recurring theme
Trump questioned Biden's mental state. "He's not fit to be president, you know it and I know it. It's ridiculous," the Republican said. "He is, without question, the worst president - the worst presidency in the history of our country," Trump continued to rant. Biden spoke quietly and indistinctly in places. Trump used the performance for a frontal attack. "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either," said Trump after a statement by Biden on the subject of migration.

The advanced age of the two opponents is an ongoing topic in the election campaign. Biden entered the White House as the oldest US President of all time and is now 81 years old. Trump is 78 and therefore hardly any younger. Both regularly make mistakes in public appearances. However, Biden in particular has had to contend with discussions about his physical and mental state during the election campaign - partly because he is the incumbent president and regularly makes headlines in this powerful role with his mistakes and gaffes. Trump and his Republicans mercilessly exploit Biden's slip-ups for their own purposes.

The age of the candidates was a big issue:

A survey by CNN, the organizer of the first TV duel, revealed that Trump was clearly better received by the audience. 67 percent of those surveyed saw him ahead of his opponent Biden, who often appeared nervous. It was the first direct confrontation between the two opponents since October 2020.

Does Trump accept the election result?
Apparently not even his repeated failure to answer the question of whether he would accept the outcome of the election did Trump any harm. The moderators probed several times, but the Republican squirmed, only answering evasively on the third attempt.

"If it's a fair, legal and good election, then by all means," Trump replied. "There's nothing I'd rather do," he added later. US President Biden said he doubted the Republican would accept the outcome of the election "because you're such a whiner".

Democrats without options
Biden is running for a second term in the presidential election in early November. The Democrat originally ran as a bridge builder for a younger generation, but Biden was unable to keep this promise with his renewed candidacy. Trump wants to return to the White House for the Republicans. Polls suggest a neck-and-neck race between the two.

It is unusual for the first TV debate between the two presidential candidates to take place at the end of June. Trump and Biden are not due to be chosen as the official candidates of their parties until July and August at nomination conventions. However, they secured the necessary delegate votes for this early in the race during the primaries - which is why they are set to be the candidates.

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