He is only 14 years old

Robber and beater has finally been arrested

28.06.2024 07:00

He spread fear and terror in his home town. A boy aged just 14 beat up a pool attendant in Perg (Upper Austria) and robbed and threatened to kill other young people. Now the young serial offender has finally been arrested and taken to Linz prison.

The 14-year-old Austrian with a migration background already has quite a record. He made the headlines because he beat the lifeguard at the outdoor pool in Perg into hospital on Whit Sunday. The background: the boy had already been banned from the pool because he kept causing problems. The lifeguard (68) wanted to throw him out of the facility.

Attack in an underpass
Only a short time later, he and two accomplices (14, 19) allegedly stopped a quartet of teenagers in an underpass in his home town, threatened to kill them and stole a total of 30 euros. Only one girl was spared by the young crooks.

It is worrying that he already had a court date at this time, as he has to answer for the incidents at the outdoor pool on July 24.

Robbery filmed
After the robbery in the underpass, the boy fled. Now he and his accomplices - they had even filmed the robbery - could be identified as the perpetrators by the police. The 14-year-old was taken to Linz prison and his friends were released.

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