"Old demons"

Sophia Thiel suffered a relapse after “Let’s Dance”

28.06.2024 07:45

There has been radio silence on Sophia Thiel's Instagram profile for around six weeks. The reason has now come to light: she suffered an emotional relapse.

As Thiel explained in an interview with "Der Spiegel", she was no longer feeling well after taking part in "Let's Dance". She "fell ill and then emotionally collapsed", the fitness influencer explained.

"Unfortunately had binge eating again"
She continued: "Unfortunately, I also had binge eating again and fell into a depressive phase due to the loss of control."

After her participation in "Let's Dance", Sophia Thiel suffered a relapse. (Bild: Simon Pfaff / Action Press / picturedesk.com)
After her participation in "Let's Dance", Sophia Thiel suffered a relapse.

During the TV dance show, Thiel tearfully explained in the podcast "4 Brüste für ein Halleluja" (4 Breasts for a Hallelujah) that she felt "really fat and ugly" when dancing. "Then I only see arms. Complexes come up."

In hindsight, she realized that the physical exertion during "Let's Dance" could cause a relapse. However, she didn't realize this during her participation. "But when I came back to Berlin, I suddenly didn't feel well at all and I was confronted with my old demons again," Thiel continued in the "Spiegel" interview.

No Instagram comeback for the time being
She then "immediately contacted my therapist and resumed my sessions", said the 29-year-old.

Fortunately, she is not as bad as she was in 2019, she cautiously gave the all-clear. However, she did not want to say when she would return to Instagram. "I have no room for the next three, four or five years, for any area of my life."

At the moment, she is concentrating on herself, without having to take public reviews into account ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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