Duel with an aftertaste

Biden off the rails: now there is sheer panic!

28.06.2024 08:42

Many Democrats were afraid of the first TV duel with Donald Trump. As it now turns out: quite rightly so! US President Joe Biden seemed completely off the rails at times, while Trump spread lies in his usual manner. An initial analysis of a disastrous TV evening.

For the Democrats, the motto of the evening in Atlanta was: "Let's go, Joe!" Biden was unable to fulfill this hope. Especially at the beginning, the US President, who clearly had a cold, seemed to lack direction. The Democrat stammered and was sometimes talked to the wall by his opponent. The biggest opponents of the evening were numbers, words and his voice.

In one sentence he confused millionaires and billionaires, in the next millions and billions. Some of the pauses in his speech were so long that it was painful to watch. Many sentences never ended.

Which is not to say that Trump would have been much better. Although the Republican seemed noticeably fresher, only a few of his words corresponded to reality. However, the presenter duo from host CNN did little to nothing to counter Trump's lies. It was only after the duel that the broadcaster pointed out the many false claims. For example, Trump stated that some Democratic-led states would execute newborn babies.

Appearance triggers panic among Democrats
And so it was up to Biden to stand up to his opponent. The result: disappointment at the 81-year-old's performance was already being voiced in the Democratic camp during the debate. The tenor: This is a disaster!

The stakes were high for Biden. The prime-time debate was supposed to prove that he is mentally and physically fit enough for another term in office. "Before Thursday night, many Americans had voiced their concerns about Joe Biden's age and fitness for office. To say that this debate didn't exactly silence those concerns would be one of the biggest understatements of the year," the BBC said in an initial analysis.

Biden's cognitive difficulties were particularly audible and visible when it came to coronavirus. After making a number of promises, the 81-year-old, who used to suffer from a severe stammer, squeezed out the following words: "We have finally defeated Medicare." There was a pitiful emptiness in his gaze. He was probably referring to Covid. "Medicare is a welfare state health insurance scheme for elderly and disabled Americans.

The scene described for review:

Trump gratefully seized on the statement with a play on words: "He's right. He really beat Medicare. He's beaten it to death."

Who plays better golf?
The already raucous debate also repeatedly drifted into the absurd. For example, Trump and Biden argued about who was better at golf. As proof of physical fitness. He could hit the ball very far, Trump said in response to a question about his age. "I think I'm in very good shape," the 78-year-old emphasized.

Trump's "very good" form (Bild: Getty Images/Andrew Harnik)
Trump's "very good" form

Biden said he would love to play golf with Trump if the Republican carried his own bag. "Do you think you can do that?" asked the US President. The 81-year-old also commented on the Republican's opulent weight.

Cognitive tests as a campaign tool
Trump also boasted that he had taken two cognitive tests. "I passed both with flying colors." He said he wanted to see how Biden would do on such a test. "Take one. Just one, a very simple one, just the first five questions."

Trump did not specify which tests he took, but the most common ones include animal identification questions as well as questions on word similarities and drawing a specific time on a clock. The fact that a convicted felon and leading candidate is actively campaigning on his ability to memorize simple words says a lot about the state of US politics.

Viewers rate Trump significantly better
The Republicans can still feel like winners. For 67% of those surveyed, Trump emerged as the clear winner of the debate, according to CNN. US political commentators have expressed their dismay in initial assessments of Biden's debate performance.

"There will be discussions about whether he will continue," said David Axelrod, chief strategist for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Expert John King now sees "a deep, broad and very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party". "Biden's answers were in many cases incoherent," added political journalist Abby Phillip.

Journalist Bastian Brauns provides impressions from the field:

Even Biden's vice Kamala Harris spoke of a "bumpy start". They had experienced a president who had drawn a stark contrast to his rival, and Trump had lied "again and again".

Will Biden be replaced?
"People can argue about style, but in the end this election has to be about substance," said Harris. For three and a half years in the White House, she has seen Biden as a man who has done successful work for the American people, said the Vice President. Harris is already being considered as a potential replacement candidate.

Biden leaves the stage in Atlanta. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur)
Biden leaves the stage in Atlanta.

After this debate, it is clear that public appearances without a script pose the greatest danger for the 81-year-old. The Democrat now needs all the support he can get. After the exchange of blows with Trump, it really was "Let's go, Joe" for Biden. The US President was supported by his wife Jill as he left the stage.

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