Fraudsters on the move

Caution: Police warn against door-to-door sales!

28.06.2024 09:50

Fraudsters in Carinthia are coming to the front door and taking money from their victims. The incidents are increasing, the police warn!

The Carinthian police warn against door-to-door sales. Fraudsters are offering their services from door to door without being asked. The police point out that "reputable companies would never do this!" Particular caution is advised when extremely low prices are advertised.

Tips for those affected
"Don't sign a contract too quickly. Ask for a business card or brochure in advance and take your time to check the details, such as company name, address, etc.", the police continue. This is because a written withdrawal from the contract, claims for damages or warranty claims are no longer possible due to a lack of knowledge about the "seller".

What are doorstep sales?

Doorstep selling is a legal term for contracts that are concluded in certain situations, mainly during a representative's visit.

According to the Federal Ministry, the most effective help for those affected is the right of rescission, which can be used to cancel most contracts concluded at the doorstep or otherwise outside the normal business premises of a company.

Can make yourself liable to prosecution
The police advise people to obtain comparative offers and point out that this is illegal work and is punishable by law. "And if you are harassed by such people, inform the police immediately!", say the investigators and advise you to note down the details of the people and the license plate numbers of the vehicles. These can be helpful for further police investigations.

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read the original article here.

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