Drama in Sicily

Boy (10) fell into 15 meter deep well – dead!

28.06.2024 10:05

During a summer camp in Sicily, a ten-year-old schoolboy fell into a 15-meter-deep well. A 54-year-old educator tried to climb down to the boy, but was unable to reach the victim. The fire department could only rescue the child dead, the woman suffered shock and bruising.

The tragedy occurred on Thursday in Palazzolo Acreide. Little Vincenzo L. had wandered away from the group and climbed onto the cover of a fountain. Despite warnings from the supervisors, he jumped on the trapdoor, causing a latch on the door to break and the boy to fall into the depths in front of the supervisors and other children.

The well is around 15 meters deep and was half full of water. (Bild: Vigili del Fuoco)
The well is around 15 meters deep and was half full of water.

Teacher could not reach the boy
According to the TV station RAI News, the well was about half full of water. An educator then tried to get the boy out by climbing into the well. She stopped after stepping onto the first brick steps, as reported by "Corriere della Sera". She may have slipped or panicked. In the end, she too had to be pulled out of the well by the emergency services.

The scene of the tragedy (Bild: Vigili del Fuoco)
The scene of the tragedy

Vincento probably drowned
According to the emergency services after initial reconstructions of the circumstances, a rescue by the nursery school teacher was unlikely anyway. Vincento probably lost consciousness immediately after the fall and probably drowned in the well.

The parents, who were informed about the incident, waited for hours next to the well - in the hope that their son was still alive. But the divers from the fire department were only able to bring him to the surface dead.

The public prosecutor's office in Syracuse has launched an investigation into the tragedy. The scene of the accident has been cordoned off and the police investigation will continue over the next few days, according to the authorities.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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