Reason are germs

Bathing ban on the shores of Lake Constance in Bregenz

28.06.2024 10:25

A temporary bathing ban has been issued on Lake Constance in the Bregenz Camping area due to excessive bacterial contamination. The cause is likely to be a sewage treatment plant.

The Vorarlberg authorities have imposed a temporary bathing ban on part of the shores of Lake Constance. The reason for this is a high level of bacterial contamination detected by the state's environmental institute during a routine sampling of the EU bathing site "Seecamping Bregenz". The cause is likely to be a loosened cover of an inspection chamber in the wastewater pipe of the Bregenz sewage treatment plant.

Pipe is currently under water
Because part of the pipe that discharges the treated wastewater into the depths of the water is currently under water due to the current high lake level, the leak in the manhole near the shore was not noticed immediately. The city of Bregenz is trying to find a quick solution. During the tests, the levels of the indicator germ Escherichia coli were found to be very high in the affected bathing area.

Results expected on Saturday
As a result, samples were also taken at nearby bathing areas and the results are expected on Saturday, the state announced. As soon as the results are clear, the ban on swimming from the Bilgeriloch eastwards to the Bregenz marina will be lifted.

Due to the heavy rainfall and high inflows into Lake Constance, untreated wastewater has been discharged into the lake in recent weeks. However, according to the latest measurements, the other EU bathing areas on Lake Constance showed good to excellent values.

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