Making the right choice

This is how it works: A good figure despite “icy” fun

30.06.2024 06:00

Summer has arrived. High temperatures lure us into the ice cream stores and supermarkets to buy lots of ice cream. The choice is huge. We therefore show you what figure-conscious people should look out for to get through the summer "lighter".

What could be better than a refreshing ice cream on a hot summer's day? Every spoonful, every lick is a treat. But shortly afterwards, the alarm bells start ringing for some: "I shouldn't have eaten a whole tub..."

Don't feel guilty now! After all, the ice cream is already in your stomach. Giving it up from now on is not an option for gourmets either. And you don't have to, if you consider a few things before your next icy treat:

Water ice has significantly fewer calories than milk ice and is easy to make yourself. (Bild: -
Water ice has significantly fewer calories than milk ice and is easy to make yourself.

It's best to opt for water ice or sorbet. For milk ice cream, prefer fruity varieties such as strawberry, mango and apricot. They are much lower in calories than chocolate, stracciatella and nut. For comparison: while a scoop of hazelnut ice cream has up to 150 calories, the same amount of lemon ice cream has a feather-light 50. Leave waffles, whipped cream and crumble to one side! Also steer clear of cups like "banana split" - and you'll have saved at least 600 calories!

Make "light" ice cream and iced coffee at home
If you don't want to ask about the calories in the restaurant, why not become an ice cream maker yourself? At home, you can "conjure up" water ice from pureed fruit, water and a little honey, which will barely hit the scales.

In terms of calories, iced coffee with all the trimmings is almost the same as lunch. (Bild: -
In terms of calories, iced coffee with all the trimmings is almost the same as lunch.

Are you an iced coffee lover? Here, too, you need to be careful with calories. This supposedly harmless drink can contain as many calories as an entire lunch - around 600. The culprits are sugar, full-fat milk and whipped cream.

People who want to lose weight are therefore better off making iced coffee in their own kitchen. In addition to coffee, only use low-fat - possibly frothed - milk, ice cubes or crushed ice and a little cocoa powder to sprinkle on top. Preferably no vanilla ice cream. Also avoid sugar and whipped cream.

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read the original article here.

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