"Krone" success

Cab passengers in Vienna get more rights

28.06.2024 11:15

It is an important first step towards improving the quality of Viennese cabs. From July 1, passenger rights must be displayed in all vehicles. In addition, a QR code will allow customers to rate the journey online. However, the new regulation does not solve one serious problem.

After several reports about the abuses in the cab industry, the City of Vienna is tightening the reins. This is also a "Krone" success. The red-pink city government, together with the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, has decided the following. From July 1, it will be a legal requirement that all cabs provide information on passenger rights and the obligations of drivers.

This will be done via information cards, similar to the safety instructions in airplanes, as well as via QR codes attached to the vehicles, according to a press release.

City Councillor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke (SPÖ): "Vienna's cabs are an important addition to public transport and are used by thousands of customers every year. The new mandatory QR code in cabs is therefore an important contribution to consumer transparency, which also benefits the entire industry."

City Councillor for Finance and Economy Peter Hanke (SPÖ) (Bild: Tomschi Peter)
City Councillor for Finance and Economy Peter Hanke (SPÖ)

This is what the rating system looks like

Anyone who scans the QR code in the cab can award one to five stars for the journey, the driver and the vehicle. If you rate one of these three questions with only one or two stars, you also have the option of giving multiple answers as to why you were dissatisfied. Up to this point, the rating is anonymous.

However, if you would like the complaints committee of the specialist group to take a closer look at a possible incident, you must provide your real name and a valid e-mail address. There is also the option of uploading photos for documentation purposes. In addition to the QR code, feedback can still be submitted via [www.taxifeedback.at] (http://www.taxifeedback.at/). However, the overall rating of a cab is not publicly visible, it is said.

Seven passenger rights

These are the seven passenger rights at a glance:

  • 1.You will see the name of the company, the address, the license plate number and the cab driver's card on the dashboard.
  • When you pay, you will receive an invoice without being asked. This must contain the following information: Distance in kilometers, fare, date, license plate number, name and location of the company, identification number to identify the cab driver.
  • You can always pay by debit card.
  • The cab must take you to your destination, unless you smoke in the vehicle or appear aggressive or dangerous.
  • The cab must always take the fastest route, unless you want to take a different route. You can request that a navigation device be used.
  • The cab driver must help you to load and unload luggage and, if necessary, to get in and out of the cab.
  • The seats, footwell and trunk of the vehicle must be free for you.

This is all good and important. But it does not solve a major problem: When a taxi driver doesn't let the passenger get in at all. As reported, this has happened several times. Drivers, especially at the main station, have refused to pick up customers because the journey was too short for them and therefore not profitable enough.

For example, two elderly senior citizens were refused a ride by four taxi drivers who had colluded. Contrary to the provisions of the transportation obligation that already applied. The only thing left to do for those affected is to make a note of the license plate number or take a photo and report the incident to the cab guild.

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read the original article here.

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