Health seal of approval

With success to the desired child

01.07.2024 00:01

In cooperation with the "Krone", the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research has determined the popularity of around 2000 hospitals, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, retirement homes and primary care centers for the first time.

Hospitals, rehabilitation centers, retirement homes, outpatient clinics and primary care facilities were analyzed. The top-rated companies - around 250 throughout Austria - received the "Top Healthcare Facility" award.

The best providers receive awards
In the "Outpatient clinics" category, the fertility clinic in Thalheim bei Wels won the award. "We are proud and grateful to have been named one of the most popular outpatient clinics in Austria," says Dr. Roman Pavlik, reproductive physician and specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics. "At the Fertility Clinic Thalheim, we focus on individual, holistic care and state-of-the-art medical technologies in order to offer our patients the best possible care with tailor-made treatment plans. Our aim is to give every couple the best chance of a successful pregnancy."

Dr. Roman Pavlik (Bild: Kinderwunschklinik Thalheim)
Dr. Roman Pavlik

The changing healthcare system
Since 2023, important innovations have been introduced in Austria in the area of primary care with the aim of relieving the burden on hospitals and strengthening outpatient care. A central aim of the current reform is to provide comprehensive care for the population through a broad range of healthcare services that are bundled in PVEs. This also includes preventative measures as well as the treatment of chronic and acute illnesses.

By relieving hospitals of non-acute cases, the inpatient system can focus more on complex and specialized treatments. In addition, the care reform in Austria has introduced significant innovations since 2023, which are aimed in particular at improving the situation for care workers, training in the care professions, as well as for caregiving relatives and those in need of care.

Against this backdrop, the IMWF conducted its first study on the most popular healthcare facilities in Austria. Hospitals, rehabilitation centers, retirement homes, outpatient clinics and primary care facilities in Austria were analyzed. In a national survey, citizens were asked about the facilities in their region. Further information on the IMWF study can be found HERE.

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