Aloisianum Linz case

Court confirms expulsion of four boys from school

28.06.2024 11:37

The Linz District Court has now ruled in the Aloisianum case: the four pupils who were expelled from school on charges of deprivation of liberty and coercion and appealed against this decision remain excluded from the grammar school. At least for the time being, because those affected can appeal.

"The application for a temporary injunction has been rejected. As things stand today, this decision means that nothing will change for the time being," confirms Dietmar Fuchsloch, spokesperson for the Linz District Court.

This means that four pupils from the Aloisianum grammar school will remain excluded from the school and will probably not receive a report card for this school year for the time being.

Investigations underway
As reported, the four boys were expelled by the school management of the private grammar school in Linz because they allegedly locked up and coerced a fellow pupil on a school trip to Italy - according to the accusation, investigations are ongoing.

On June 10, the parents of the pupils concerned applied for a temporary injunction against the termination of the private school contracts. And this has now been rejected by the district court. "The judge assumed that the case was as the school saw it and that the exclusion was therefore justified," said court spokesperson Fuchsloch, explaining the decision.

Two weeks to appeal
However, it is not yet set in legal stone, because: "The applicants can lodge an appeal, a so-called recourse," says Fuchsloch. Those affected have two weeks to do so.

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read the original article here.

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