For late deciders

Styrian vacation camps: there are still places available

29.06.2024 08:00

The long summer vacations are increasingly becoming a challenge for Styrian parents when it comes to childcare. Especially in times of inflation, it is not easy to find a program for the little ones. But there are still last chances to register for some inexpensive camps and courses. Here is a selection.

In just under a week, Styria will be starting its summer vacation. What is a joy for the children often becomes a mammoth task for working parents. In a new study by the Chamber of Labor, 39 percent of those surveyed stated that they had difficulties finding vacation childcare (details below). At the same time, for the majority - 72% - the child's interests are the most important factor in the vacation program. So how can this task be accomplished? We have picked out a few inexpensive offers where there are still places available, even for last-minute bookings.

A summer on the mountain pasture
"A summer like back then" is what the Alm-Camp in Mautern aims to offer. A night in the hay or under the open sky, a dance in the rain or a walk barefoot through the forest. The aim is to create space for nature and curiosity, as well as time to switch off and relax. There are still places available for the second week in August - costing 480 euros including accommodation and meals.

To the Adriatic for just 50 euros
A week full of action is offered by the Styrian Chamber of Labor between Grado and Trieste in the beautiful Marina Julia. Children between the ages of eight and 16, at least one of whose parents is a Chamber member (and meets the upper income limit), can clear their heads for just 50 euros. Singing and dancing workshops are organized as well as swimming sessions by the sea, beach volleyball and table tennis. Arrival is by bus with departure from Bruck an der Mur.

Jumping in at the deep end with the Chamber of Labor's summer camps. (Bild: Kinderfreunde Steiermark/LiLac Sprachschule)
Jumping in at the deep end with the Chamber of Labor's summer camps.

Little Grazers storm big peaks
Children in the provincial capital are strongly supported by the city of Graz. Many summer courses are available at half price or even free of charge, such as the hiking excursions. There are still places available for several dates in August. Mountains in the surrounding area of Graz are always explored for half a day accompanied by postural gymnastics instructors. Please bring a rucksack with sufficient snacks and a water bottle with water, sturdy shoes, a cap, sun cream and rain protection. The cell phone must stay at home!

Something for gymnasts, jugglers and unicyclists
There are only a few places left at the Graz Cirkus School - anyone aged eight and over who wants to learn to ride a unicycle, juggle or do acrobatics still has one last chance. "Cirkus Bambini for children from the age of six is unfortunately already full," says Crirkus School Director Thomas Svoboda. The school is intended for three weeks in July and costs 470 euros. Each circus student can choose two courses, which are then part of the program.

Young jugglers at the final performance of the circus school. (Bild: Eduard Haberl/Cirkusschule Graz)
Young jugglers at the final performance of the circus school.

Fun and games and a campfire on the Pack
Creativity, fun, games and sport are on the agenda at 1190 meters above sea level. The Hans-Blümel-Heim offers a hostel for children between the ages of six and 14 - complete with grounds on the banks of the Packe reservoir. Pedagogically trained supervisors take the children on excursions into the forest or to Modriach to the motor skills park and summer toboggan run. And in the evenings, sausages, potatoes and bread are grilled over a campfire. Offers are available between July 8th and 20th and August 4th and 10th."We still have places available for both rotations," says the Kinderfreunde Voitsberg. One week costs 360 euros.

When the housing estate becomes a soccer pitch
Soccer has been played in various housing estates in Graz for five years thanks to the SOS Children's Village's "Home Game" project. The concept: a ten-strong team rotates through the city to play sport with children right on their doorstep - for example on Grillweg, Waagner Biro Straße or Idelhofgasse. "I'm already looking forward to Friday, it's always a home game. My brother and I are always there," says eight-year-old Isabel. Would you like your neighborhood to become a soccer pitch too? Simply get in touch at or 0676/88144692.

The SOS Children's Village brings the soccer pitch to the village. (Bild: Stefan Janisch/SOS-Kinderdorf)
The SOS Children's Village brings the soccer pitch to the village.

Vacations on horseback
Kinderland Steiermark offers riding weeks in St. Kanzian am Klopeinersee in Carinthia. For 489 euros, children between the ages of six and 15 can become experienced riders in just seven days. No matter whether they are beginners or advanced riders. They are accommodated in the bungalows of the vacation village complex, where supervisors also provide entertainment outside of the riding lessons. There is even a disco in the evening!

Sommerferien noch zeitgemäß?
Hälfte der Eltern wegen Ferienbetreuung finanziell belastet

Ursprünglich wurden die Sommerferien aus einem sehr pragmatischen Grund eingeführt: Während der Haupterntezeit benötigten Familien Hilfe auf Hof und Feld – sie waren auf die Unterstützung ihrer Kinder angewiesen. Über die Jahrzehnte hat sich das Blatt jedoch gewendet: „Die Arbeitswelt hat sich sehr stark geändert, das ist schon lange nicht mehr zeitgemäß“, sagt Bernadette Pöcheim, Leiterin der Abteilung Frauen und Gleichstellung bei der Arbeiterkammer Steiermark.

So zeichnet eine neue Studie aus ihrem Haus ein gegenteiliges Bild: 49 Prozent der Befragten belastet die Ferienbetreuung finanziell, 39 Prozent berichten von Schwierigkeiten bei der Kinderversorgung im Sommer und 61 Prozent können diese nur durch Urlaubstage und Zeitausgleich stemmen. „Viele Eltern konsumieren sogar hintereinander Urlaub, um sich über die Sommerferien zu retten“, sagt Pöcheim.

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Wenn man zwei oder drei Kinder hat, ist das in Zeiten der Inflation oft eine große Belastung.

Bernadette Pöcheim, Leiterin der Abteilung Frauen und Gleichstellung Arbeiterkammer Steiermark

Besonders Alleinerzieherinnen, einkommensschwache Haushalte und Mehrkinderfamilien trifft es hart. „Wenn man zwei oder drei Kinder hat, ist das in Zeiten der Inflation oft eine große Belastung“, erklärt Pöcheim. Für Anbieter von Feriencamps ist es jedoch nicht leicht, günstig zu bleiben: „Den Preis zu halten, geht nicht, wenn man die Gagen der Lehrer mit der Zeit erhöhen will“, erklärt Thomas Svoboda, der seit 36 Jahren Direktor der Grazer Cirkusschule ist. Mit etwa 450 Euro für drei Wochen und Sozialplätzen ist er jedoch um einen fairen Preis bemüht.

Svoboda beobachtet zudem einen „Trend zu wochenweisen Sommercamps“, den er nicht unterstützen möchte. Auch das vermutlich eine Frage der finanziellen Ressourcen. Ebendiese entscheiden auch über Bildungschancen – Familien mit höherem Gehalt können ihren Kindern ein umfangreicheres Sommerprogramm bieten, erklärt Pöcheim. „Und je länger die Ferien sind, desto größer wird die Bildungsungleichheit.“

Genau aus diesem Grund stellt die Arbeiterkammer die Dauer der Ferien infrage und fordert ein bundesweites Rahmengesetz. Neun Wochen Sommerferien plus drei oder vier weitere im Winter seien bei fünf Wochen Urlaub der Eltern nicht zeitgemäß, rechnet die Arbeiterkammer-Expertin vor.

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