Is that reasonable?

The price of a beer at the Wiesn will be €15 for the first time this year

28.06.2024 12:17

Last year, the price of a pint of beer was still just under 15 euros. This year, this "magic mark" will probably be exceeded for the first time: In some tents, thirsty Oktoberfest visitors will have to pay at least 15 euros for a liter of barley. Pub owners and Munich media consider this price to be quite reasonable.

"O'zapft is!" - This exclamation is particularly true for the wallets of visitors to the Oktoberfest in Munich this year. This is because the price of a beer exceeds 15 euros for the first time this year. As the Munich newspaper "Merkur" writes, several tents will exceed this mark.

Actually no reason to celebrate - the price of a liter of beer at the Oktoberfest will break the 15 euro mark for the first time this year. (Bild: ANDREAS GEBERT / EPA /
Actually no reason to celebrate - the price of a liter of beer at the Oktoberfest will break the 15 euro mark for the first time this year.

At Paulaner, Hacker, in the Schützenfest tent and at Bräurosl, you will have to pay at least 15 euros this year. At Schottenhamel, on the other hand, the price is expected to remain just above the new maximum price - here a beer will cost 14.95 euros.

"The beer price will be announced by the City of Munich", explained Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner from the CSU. According to a request from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the city will not comment on this until the middle of next week.

This article describes the development of beer prices at the Wiesn:

City checks drinks prices for usury
Drinks prices are generally set by the tent operators. These are submitted to the city and checked to see if they are reasonable. This also applies to non-alcoholic drinks, which are not exactly cheap either. Last year, Wiesn visitors had to pay ten euros for mineral water in many tents. In 2023, there will be free drinking water fountains for the first time - this year the number is even set to double.

Despite the high prices, the world's largest folk festival is still popular: the visitor record was broken in 2023. (Bild: APA/dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand)
Despite the high prices, the world's largest folk festival is still popular: the visitor record was broken in 2023.

Landlord: "Would have actually needed an even higher price",
The price increases are justified by the landlords with higher wages and higher set-up costs. "We have lowered the price as much as possible. Actually, we would have needed an even higher one", explained one tent operator to the Munich newspaper "tz". Visitors are clearly not deterred by the low prices: last year's Oktoberfest was the most successful of all time with 7.2 million visitors.

Münchner Zeitung: Beer is "not that expensive"
Beer prices at the Oktoberfest are the subject of heated debate every year. However, as the newspaper "tz" writes, it is "not that expensive considering the effort involved". The beer is brewed especially for the event. Last year, the average price increase of 6.1 percent was in line with general inflation in Germany. In addition, visitors would get more alcohol for their money at the Wiesn: The alcohol content is around six percent, which is stronger than normal beer.

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read the original article here.

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