Driver in hospital

Car collides with car train at level crossing

28.06.2024 13:48

Serious train accident in the Mühlviertel (Upper Austria)! Late this morning, a car collided with a freight train transporting cars at an unrestricted level crossing in Kefermarkt. According to initial information, one man was injured in the serious accident.

Although the cars were on the train, a car driver probably did not have priority at this crossing. At 10.40 a.m., for unknown reasons, he collided with a freight train transporting cars at an unrestricted level crossing in Kefermarkt.

The car was badly damaged in the accident. (Bild: Werner Kerschbaummayr/
The car was badly damaged in the accident.
It is still unclear whether the traffic light was already red at the time of the collision (Bild: TEAM FOTOKERSCHI / TARAS PANCHUK, Krone KREATIV)
It is still unclear whether the traffic light was already red at the time of the collision
The parts were literally torn out of the car (Bild: Werner Kerschbaummayr/TEAM FOTOKERSCHI / TARAS PANCHUK)
The parts were literally torn out of the car
The level crossing was closed for several hours (Bild: Werner Kerschbaummayr/TEAM FOTOKERSCHI / TARAS PANCHUK)
The level crossing was closed for several hours
The injured driver was taken to Freistadt Hospital (Bild: Werner Kerschbaummayr/
The injured driver was taken to Freistadt Hospital
A total of four fire departments were deployed at the scene (Bild: Werner Kerschbaummayr/
A total of four fire departments were deployed at the scene

Floriani was a witness and provided first aid
A firefighter from the Kefermarkt fire department who lives nearby witnessed the incident and had the presence of mind to administer first aid after starting the rescue chain. The 66-year-old driver of the car, a local from Kefermarkt, was taken to the Freistadt hospital after receiving emergency first aid.

Emergency coordinator also on site
Four fire departments were still in action until 1 pm. In addition to firefighters, emergency services, emergency doctors, police and the ÖBB emergency coordinator were also on site to provide assistance and coordinate the situation. The level crossing was closed for the duration of the operation.

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read the original article here.

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