
Common sense remains in the next school year

29.06.2024 10:58

Preparing pupils for the world as part of the "Fit4Life" project: this practical experiment was carried out at Oberwart secondary school - with success.

Taking responsibility for yourself and your life, knowing what consequences mean, but also that talking to each other is the basis for cohesion and mutual understanding and that you can't just eat burgers every day, but also have to do something to stay fit and healthy: Oberwart secondary school provided answers to these and many other questions away from math, English, German and co. in lessons last school year under the motto "Fit4Life".

The kids were enthusiastically involved (including in the kitchen). (Bild: Mittelschule Oberwart)
The kids were enthusiastically involved (including in the kitchen).

A direct hit
This form of active awareness-raising - away from cell phones and AI - was an absolute hit, says principal Hans Peter Wolf. "The feedback from pupils, parents and teachers was overwhelming."

Preparing pupils for everyday life
The result: common sense lessons will remain a fixed part of the curriculum in the coming year. The creative teaching idea came about because the aim was to better prepare pupils for everyday life, according to the motto "school as a school for life", explains Wolf.

The creators of the "Fit4Life" concept, principal Hans Peter Wolf and Friederike Piff, Martina Kolonovits and Alexander Reiter. (Bild: Mittelschule Oberwart)
The creators of the "Fit4Life" concept, principal Hans Peter Wolf and Friederike Piff, Martina Kolonovits and Alexander Reiter.

With the teachers Friederike Piff, Martina Kolonovits and Alexander Reiter, the director quickly found a team who put their heart and soul into the concept and came up with countless ideas.

From the kitchen to the golf course
In practice, the kids spent three hours a week throughout the school year in the kitchen, on the golf course or were visited by business professionals or physiotherapists.

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In this way, we were able to show the pupils countless opportunities away from the pressure to perform and with the help of experts, for example to awaken their enthusiasm for sport, get them motivated and also encourage them to think critically.

Pädagoge Alexander Reiter

"Just because a mobile phone provider offers a cell phone for 0 euros doesn't mean you get it for free," Martina Kolonovits explains another example from the lesson.

Healthy eating is more important
The effect was also particularly positive in the nutrition module. "Many parents have told us that their children have become more aware of the importance of freshly cooked meals and, above all, eating together with the family," says Friederike Piff.

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