Civil Defense Association

A guarantor of safety for 30 years

28.06.2024 18:45

The Carinthian Civil Protection Association has been raising awareness among the population for many decades. On Saturday, the organization was awarded the state coat of arms for its valuable work. The "Krone" spoke to Civil Defense President Rudolf Schober about the work of the numerous volunteers.

Klagenfurt station square on April 29, 1994: The Chamber of Labor building is in flames, in front of it numerous emergency services who have to deal with emergencies. What sounds like a horror scenario was the birth of the Carinthian Civil Protection Association's Safety Days. Today, the safety days are still popular with young and old alike.
Close cooperation with the population
The Carinthian Civil Protection Association is not only responsible for organizing the Safety Days. "Our task is to inform the population about civil protection and everyday safety. This starts with children and ends with senior citizens," explains Civil Defence President Rudolf Schober, who has been in charge of the organization for 12 years now.

The organization also has an emergency box. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
The organization also has an emergency box.

But the Civil Protection Association does not only work closely with the Carinthians. "We are also the only federal state in Austria to have a digital network with the municipalities," said Schober in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper.

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Our task is to inform the population about civil protection and everyday safety. This starts with children and ends with senior citizens.

Rudolf Schober, Präsident des Kärntner Zivilschutzverbandes

The communities can order information and safety tips - for example, how to prevent a Christmas tree fire or what constitutes good flood protection.
Work honored by the state
Today, the Civil Protection Association was awarded the provincial coat of arms by Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) for its valuable work. "We are very grateful to the state for appreciating and recognizing our work," says President Schober happily. Interested parties are welcome: All emergency organizations will be presenting themselves at the Schleppe Alm from nine o'clock today.

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