Insidious situation

After a horror day: Appeal from the Tyrolean mountain rescue service

29.06.2024 07:55

The conditions in the Tyrolean mountains, which are still tricky due to the old snow, proved fatal for two alpinists on Thursday. The Tyrolean mountain rescue team is worried about the conditions ahead of the weekend.

In the Zillertal Alps, a local man (68) fell to his death while descending from the Großer Möseler. The man had slipped on a snow-covered rock slab. Also in the morning, a German (65) fell to his death on a snow field on a hiking trail below the Ramolhaus in the Ötztal.

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The situation at altitude is currently treacherous. In June - due to the bad weather - there were nevertheless fewer mountain rescue missions than in previous years. Up to June 27, there were 221 missions, compared to 289 missions last year.

Gregor Franke, Geschäftsstelle Bergrettung Tirol

Still lots of snow at high altitudes
"At high altitudes - especially on the north side - there is still more snow than in other years, even now at the end of June," says Gregor Franke from the Tyrolean Mountain Rescue Service. "The snow fields are still quite hard, especially in the morning, and you have to avoid them without a grödel or crampons and alpine experience," emphasizes the experienced mountain rescuer. Even if you have doubts or feel unsafe, you should definitely turn back. Franke also says this looking ahead to the weekend.

Tour planning is vital for survival
He himself recently took part in a rescue mission by the Libelle Tirol police helicopter near Sillian, which is typical for these weeks. Franke: "Two inexperienced hikers on the Carnic High Trail had crossed a very steep snowfield on the ascent to the summit of the Demut. At the summit, they no longer dared to continue because of the old snow and raised the alarm." The dragonfly flew them down into the valley. "You simply shouldn't go into the mountains without proper tour planning," warns Franke.

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