Festival in the salt city

Granada: “Hallein has made a great effort!”

29.06.2024 09:00

Now it's Granada time! Today, Saturday, the Hallein town festival once again attracts thousands of people to the salt town. One of the main acts is the Styrian band Granada. The "Krone" asked the singer for an interview.

Hallein is eagerly awaiting the town festival today. There will be live music on eleven squares - from Paulina Zambelli to Trudy Lynn and the Glorreichen Halunken to Ottakringer hip-hop star Yugo (Jugo Ürdens), there is a lot on offer in the salt town today. And all this with free admission. Clubs and restaurateurs provide the culinary framework. The pop crew Granada will be playing on Kornsteinplatz at 9.30 pm. Here is an interview with frontman Thomas Petritsch.

Granada singer Thomas Petritsch is particularly looking forward to the song "Badewetter" - a "Feiawerk" at the town festival in Hallein (l.) is certain in any case. (Bild: Andreas Graf)
Granada singer Thomas Petritsch is particularly looking forward to the song "Badewetter" - a "Feiawerk" at the town festival in Hallein (l.) is certain in any case.

"Krone": Mr. Petritsch, your song "Feiawerk" is really taking off: Will a "Feiawerk" be ignited today?
Thomas Petritsch:
Yes I hope so, I hope so hard. In terms of the energy and the joy of playing, it will certainly be cool. We're really looking forward to celebrating our premiere here.

It'srare to play in such a historic setting - what does that mean for you?
Concerts like this are difficult to get to when we have to lug our equipment through narrow alleyways on foot. But the effort is then rewarded. We looked at photos of Hallein - I hope that the beautiful backdrop doesn't distract us too much from playing.

Is there a song you're particularly looking forward to playing?
I'm looking forward to the song "Badewetter". It's our latest single release, which we played live for the first time two weeks ago. New songs are a challenge and more fun.

Lively and warm - that's how the city festival is known here. What is the attraction for you to play here?
First and foremost, it's that we had a free date on our tour (laughs). No, we wouldn't play every city festival. But right from the start we had very cordial contact with the people in charge and you could sense a warm atmosphere and that togetherness is very important.

At the Hallein City Festival, the entire old town becomes a stage on eleven squares. Thousands of people are expected. (Bild: Wildbild/(c) wildbild)
At the Hallein City Festival, the entire old town becomes a stage on eleven squares. Thousands of people are expected.

Do you have a special message?
Not really. We're taking it all in our stride, we have a rough set list and a rough plan. But it's very important for us to be as free as possible on stage, to enjoy the moment and to respond to it. That's also the message to Hallein: be free, enjoy the moment, get involved in it all.

The soccer euphoria has gripped everyone. Are you worried that people prefer to watch soccer nowadays?
Anyone who wants to watch soccer should do so. If I had to choose between an Austria game or a concert, I'd go for the Austria game. Because you don't often have a round of sixteen like this. And this European Championship is also something very special for Germany.

Are you soccer fans?
Some of the band don't know anything about soccer, they don't know a single player on the national team. And the other part - like me - are big fans and are of course rooting for the team.

Your tip: Who will be European champion?
I would hope for Austria, but I think it will be Spain.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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