Components from South Korea

Putin gave Kim a limousine during his visit

28.06.2024 16:34

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a faux pas during his visit to North Korea: He presented ruler Kim Jong-un with a limousine containing components from South Korea of all places - Kim's "number one enemy."

This emerges from customs documents. One part is said to have been manufactured in Russia, another in South Korea. China and EU states are also among the suppliers of the luxury Aurus Motors car. The war in Ukraine has not stopped Russia from supplying the cars and motorcycles. On the contrary: the company, which was founded in 2018, wants to expand its production by using a former Toyota factory.

Putin and Kim at their meeting in North Korea in June (Bild: AP/Sputnik/Gavriil Grigorov)
Putin and Kim at their meeting in North Korea in June
From left: Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un in an Aurus sedan (Bild: AP/Sputnik/Gavriil Grigorov)
From left: Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un in an Aurus sedan

Not the first car for Kim
As reported , Putin was on a state visit to North Korea for the first time in 24 years. The two rulers signed a partnership agreement (see video above), which, among other things, provides for mutual assistance in the event of attacks. Issues relating to economic cooperation and international security were also discussed. North Korea's government is supplying Russia with ammunition and missiles for the war in Ukraine. Armed forces are also to be deployed in July.

Putin has already presented Kim with two Aurus bodies - the first during a visit by the North Korean to Moscow in February and a second, slightly modified model during his own visit to North Korea in June. However, the latter contained components from South Korea, of all places, according to customs documents.

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