"Freecards" distributed

Red Cross gives tips for the heat weekend

29.06.2024 06:00

The renowned Red Cross aid organization has trained staff to give valuable tips on the subject of heat, especially to senior citizens and people at risk.

As much as many people, especially children, in eastern Austria are looking forward to a summer vacation in the sun, it can be dangerous for others. In view of the current "temperature threat", the Red Cross has started to train all of its employees - from volunteers to full-time staff and those on civilian service - to become so-called heat coaches.

Special focus on vulnerable people and the elderly
"Our aim is to focus our attention specifically on older and vulnerable groups - including children," says Hans Ebner, President of the Red Cross in Lower Austria, "whether in the area of meals on wheels and home meals, with our patients in the emergency services, at senior citizens' meetings or at the Team Österreich Tafel distribution points." Important tips were summarized on special cards. These "Freecards" are distributed by Red Cross employees.

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As part of the 'Heat coaches instead of heat exhaustion' campaign, we are focusing our attention on older and very vulnerable people.

Hans Ebner, Präsident des Roten Kreuzes Niederösterreich

What applies to senior citizens should also be borne in mind by everyone when they are out and about or working outdoors. "The most important thing is to follow the three basic rules. Firstly, never forget to wear headgear, secondly, drink enough (non-alcoholic) beverages and thirdly, don't lie in the blazing sun," says head physician Dr. Bernd Schreiner. This is the only way to prevent sunstroke, sunburn or dangerous dehydration.

Sun cream as protection against skin cancer!
It is also important to use sun cream with a high sun protection factor, as most skin cancers are caused by intensive sun exposure.

And: Anyone can become a heat coach, for example by asking their neighbor how they cope with the heat - or if they need help.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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