Human rights concerns

UN advises against deportations to Afghanistan

28.06.2024 17:20

Since the Taliban took power in 2021, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has advised against deportations to Afghanistan. Since then, the situation for the people there has deteriorated significantly, said Leonard Zulu, UNHCR representative in Afghanistan.

He was referring to current discussions in Germany and Austria. "I would call on all countries to take a look at our recommendation on deportations to Afghanistan. It contains very good reasons why these should not take place - and they are still valid," said Zulu. For example, the humanitarian situation is precarious, with almost 24 million people dependent on humanitarian aid. Many of them are just "one step away from famine."

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I would urge all countries to take a look at our recommendation on deportations to Afghanistan. It gives very good reasons why they should not take place.

Leonard Zulu, UNHCR-Vertreter

Natural disasters, no peace
Other reasons against deportations include natural disasters such as earthquakes, droughts and floods, as well as the poor performance in the Global Peace Index. According to the index, Afghanistan is one of the five least peaceful countries in the world. The Taliban had "systematically dismantled" the achievements of the past 20 years, particularly in the area of human rights, said Zulu. The situation is particularly bad for young girls, who are no longer allowed to attend secondary schools and universities. In addition, former government officials and members of minorities are repeatedly arbitrarily arrested and imprisoned.

Afghanistan is one of the least peaceful countries (archive photo). (Bild: AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)
Afghanistan is one of the least peaceful countries (archive photo).

Austria does not deport
"The conditions for deportations to Afghanistan are simply not given," said the Zimbabwean-born Austrian. Austria's government is currently not deporting any Afghans to their home country, but the ÖVP and SPÖ recently spoke out in favor of deporting criminal Afghan asylum seekers. In doing so, they are supporting an initiative by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

"As part of humanity, we must take care of our neighbors and fellow human beings just as we would want others to take care of us. If someone is in a difficult situation, I hand them water and a cookie. And a jacket if he or she is cold (...)," said Zulu. The principle of protection should be at the heart of every political decision.

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