Wild chase

Delivery man on e-scooter stopped by pedal policeman

28.06.2024 17:35

After running a red light, a food delivery driver (32) had a wild chase with a pedal policeman in Vienna. The traffic offender was subsequently charged.

An unusual and breakneck chase took place in the city center of Vienna on Thursday. A police officer from the bicycle department at Franz-Josefs-Kai caught a food delivery driver disregarding a red traffic light as part of a special operation.

But the verbal request "Stop! Stop - police!" did not impress the 32-year-old Syrian at all.

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The suspect was charged with attempted resistance to public authority and attempted assault.

Philipp Haßlinger, Sprecher der Wiener Polizei

Bicycle policeman took up pursuit
On the contrary: he accelerated and sped off on the cycle path in his electric vehicle. However, he had not reckoned on the fact that Vienna's bicycle police had first-class equipment and well-trained uniformed officers at their disposal.

As the chase continued, the e-scooter rider repeatedly tried to obstruct the bicycle police officer: He pushed the officer away, swerved and repeatedly braked abruptly.

Despite all these unfair attempts, the pedal policeman managed to stop and arrest the electric motorized fugitive at the Dominikanerbastei.

"Riding away for fear of punishment"
"I only drove off out of fear of punishment," the Syrian justified himself. As he had also tried to attack his police pursuer with punches in the meantime, an avalanche of charges were filed - from resisting arrest to attempted assault.

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