F in your report card?

Stress-free and successful through the re-examination

28.06.2024 22:24

Summer is just around the corner and many students are looking forward to their well-deserved vacation. However, for some of them, the time off doesn't just mean relaxation, but also studying, as the re-exams are fast approaching. In an interview with krone.tv, learning techniques trainer Angela Schmidt explains the best way to catch up on missed lessons.

A "fail" in the report card is initially a shock for many students and parents. However, Angela Schmidt emphasizes that this grade should not be overrated. "You can always improve the grade," she says. Either through a promotion clause or by taking additional examinations. "Study systematically during the vacations" is the motto to save the year.

Reasons for poor grades and first steps
Why do pupils have to sit for make-up exams in the first place? There are many reasons. Some students have difficulties in several subjects, others were ill and were unable to catch up on the material. It is important to complete the missed learning material and to be well organized. "You should sit down with a good student and collect all materials such as notes, copies and schoolwork," advises Schmidt. It also makes sense to talk to the teacher about the revision.

Angela Schmidt is a learning technology trainer and company spokesperson for LernQuadrat. (Bild: krone.tv )
Angela Schmidt is a learning technology trainer and company spokesperson for LernQuadrat.

Effective learning: when and how?
She recommends taking a break from learning in July. "The students have done a great job, even if they got a five. Now they should recover first." It is best to start studying around five to six weeks before the exam. It is important to keep repeating the material in order to consolidate it in your memory. A good plan is the key to mastering the extensive material.

Parents play an important role. They should ensure a quiet learning environment, provide healthy food and sufficient drinking water and be available as learning partners. (Bild: Dan Race - stock.adobe.com)
Parents play an important role. They should ensure a quiet learning environment, provide healthy food and sufficient drinking water and be available as learning partners.

Motivation and learning methods
Learning is often difficult when the weather is nice. The expert therefore advises short learning units that are adapted to the age of the pupils. Younger pupils should study for 30 minutes, followed by breaks, while older pupils can study for 45 minutes at a time. In the afternoon, there should be time for leisure activities to keep them motivated. "Start with simple things and end on a positive note" is a tried and tested method.

The best tip for overcoming exam anxiety is to prepare thoroughly and practise regularly. (Bild: stock.adobe.com)
The best tip for overcoming exam anxiety is to prepare thoroughly and practise regularly.

Dealing with exam anxiety
Exam anxiety is widespread and often a kind of fear of failure. The expert recommends mentally replaying the exam and imagining the process. "The better the subject matter is memorized, the less anxiety there is." Breathing deeply, drinking enough water and avoiding nervous classmates can also help. And if you don't pass the re-test, it's not the end of the world. "Maybe another school is an option," concludes Schmidt. There is always a way forward.

Watch the full interview in the video above!

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read the original article here.

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