"Do what you are good at"

This elementary school teaches children to be happy

29.06.2024 07:00

Social media and the coronavirus pandemic are affecting even the youngest pupils. There is a lack of liaison teachers everywhere. The Obertrum elementary school in Salzburg's Flachgau region has made a virtue out of necessity. In "strength lessons", pupils are given tips for a happy life.

We learn what makes us strong. For me, it's running," says Ilvy and sets off running. "My dream is to take part in a triathlon one day," exclaims her classmate Simon, pedaling along on his mountain bike. The two fourth-graders at Obertrum elementary school are beaming, they are in their element.

Ilvy's strength is running. She has learned to persevere in her strength lessons and wants to become a vet one day. (Bild: Markus Tschepp)
Ilvy's strength is running. She has learned to persevere in her strength lessons and wants to become a vet one day.

This is exactly what her school promotes. They have introduced their own strength lessons. The aim is for the children to find happiness in life. Principal Sabine Kraihammer explains why this is necessary. "Social media and the after-effects of coronavirus have led to isolation and disorientation among children. There is a lack of counselors in Salzburg. That's why we've made a virtue out of necessity," explains Kraihammer.

Principal Sabine Kraihammer focuses on promoting strengths (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Principal Sabine Kraihammer focuses on promoting strengths

In the strength lessons, the children learn to talk about their feelings. The first rule is to confide in someone when you are not feeling well.

Because depression or anger cause stress, the children are given tips on how to reduce stress. The most important one is: "Do what you're good at!" That's where sport comes in. "When I'm not in a good mood, I work off energy. Preferably on the trampoline," says second-grader Lara.

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If I don't get many points in a math test, I just think to myself: "I'll do better next time." That's the kind of thing we learn in strength lessons. They are fun.

(Bild: Tschepp Markus)

In den Stärkestunden hat Zweitklässlerin Emily schon viel gelernt.

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At our school, we had a strengths festival. I showed off my turtle Sammy, because I'm really good with turtles.

(Bild: Tschepp Markus)

Zweitklässlerin Lara hatte wie alle Kinder einen Stand beim Stärkenfest.

"Insults weighed me down like two stones"
Lara's friend Emily has also learned to feel and describe her feelings accurately. "A friend insulted me. That weighed me down like two stones. I then talked to my mom and immediately felt much lighter," she recalls.

The strength lessons also promote good teamwork. The schoolchildren look after themselves and their classmates. Fourth-grader Xaver gives an example: "If someone is in a bad mood, I suggest that they do something together."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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