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How to stay cool in the summer heat

29.06.2024 11:45

The most beautiful time of the year for many people also brings with it many dangers. The heat is often underestimated, cars become scorching hot within minutes and turn into potential death traps. But there are simple tips for cooling down, one of which is particularly surprising!

Just last Thursday, another child was trapped for 15 minutes in a car baking in the summer sun. Fortunately, the outcome was not too serious: "It can become very dangerous very quickly!" warns Paul Reinthaler from the Linz Red Cross. "Even with the windows partially open, temperatures can rise rapidly to up to 70 degrees - neither humans nor animals can survive that!" In general, the summer heat is not a reason for everyone to be happy: senior citizens, small children and chronically ill people are particularly affected by the high temperatures.

Chills are a heat alert
"People tolerate heat well as long as it doesn't take them by surprise," says the rescuer. "An emergency arises at the latest when the body runs out of water to sweat, i.e. to regulate heat." Symptoms such as headaches, nausea, a bright red head, increased body temperature and even chills also indicate sunstroke or heatstroke. The only thing that helps: "Get out of the sun, cool down and drink plenty of fluids!" says Reinthaler.

Don't wait too long
If the condition does not improve within around ten minutes, you should call the emergency services. Particularly interesting: "Ice-cold drinks are not ideal because the body then releases less heat. Lukewarm drinks would be ideal!", the expert surprises.

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You usually only notice it when it's almost too late: heat regulation is already severely compromised if you have a dry mouth and are very thirsty.

Paul Reinthaler, Rotkreuz-Geschäftsstellenleiter für Linz, Linz-Land

Off to church
The Linz district office manager also has tips to prevent problems with the scorching heat: "Planning your day is essential. Don't do any sport at lunchtime, and it's better to move gardening to the end of the day." Just as simple as it is effective: open the windows at night, close them as much as possible during the day and darken them. If you are still surprised by the heat in the city, churches or cooled stores can help.

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read the original article here.

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