Cycling hero in top form

Felix Gall subordinates his life to the Tour de France

28.06.2024 18:54

Before the start of the Tour of France on Saturday, everyone is talking about superstar Tadej Pogacar's possible Giro-Tour double. Austria's cycling hero Felix Gall doesn't want to commit to a desired result one year after finishing eighth overall: "Go in and make the best of it."

Only seven professional cyclists have ever won the Giro d'Italia and Tour de France in the same year. In today's cycling, this double no longer seems possible. Cycling legend Marco Pantani last achieved this feat in 1998.

But 26 years later, Tadej Pogacar is now trying his luck. The Giro triumph in May even seems to inspire the Slovenian superstar: "To be honest, I've never felt so good on the bike."

Felix Gall (left) with "Krone" reporter Norbert Niederacher (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Felix Gall (left) with "Krone" reporter Norbert Niederacher

Many experts are convinced that Pogacar will attack on the first Tour stage from Florence to Rimini (seven mountains!) on Saturday, as he did in the Tour of Italy.

Austria's cycling star Felix Gall was not inconvenienced by all the hype surrounding Pogacar, for last year's eighth-placed rider and winner of the queen stage, the Grand Depart in Florence was relatively calm: "Of course you can feel the excitement. But I took it very relaxed."

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I feel good. I think I'll be fresher for the start.

Radstar Felix Gall

The 26-year-old from East Tyrol feels stronger than last year: "I feel good. I think I'll be fresher at the start."

Above all, Felix was able to subordinate his life entirely to the Tour by becoming captain of the French Deathlon AG2R team. Training, race selection, regeneration, equipment, technique - since the start of training last November, everything has been focused on the three weeks in France.

Working with a mental coach
Austria's athlete of the year tried to improve in all areas. He has been working with a mental coach since the winter: "I have someone I can call at any time and who is there with a professional opinion." A mountain biker provided by the team helped him to become faster on the descents: "It's simply about having the necessary self-confidence."

Marco Haller, Gregor Mühlberger (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Marco Haller, Gregor Mühlberger

But Gall has remained one thing. He is modest. He doesn't make any big statements before the start: "I don't want to commit myself to a specific result. Go in and make the best of it."

Two ÖRV pros as helpers
Alongside Gall, two other Austrians are tackling the Tour today. Marco Haller is to support captain Primoz Roglic in the fight for the yellow jersey in the new bull team: "You train all year with the aim of starting at the Tour." Gregor Mühlberger is speculating on freedom as a helper in the Movistar racing team: "Everything is geared towards Enric Mas. Maybe there will be a chance."

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