Wolff in an interview

“Make time for things I enjoy doing!”

28.06.2024 19:12

Toto Wolff took over as Head of Motorsport at the "Silver Arrows" from Norbert Haug on January 21, 2013. He now holds a 30 percent stake in "Mercedes GP" and is an Executive Managing Director on the Management Board. With a total of 15 (!) world championship titles, the 53-year-old Viennese is also the most successful team boss in the history of the "premier class". In a breakfast interview with the "Krone", Toto, who wants to prolong the upswing with his "star driver squad" in Spielberg, talks about his perhaps not so well-known side ...

"Krone": What was your dream job as a child?
Toto Wolff: Airplane pilot.

Did you have a childhood idol?
No! I've always tried to filter out the different strengths and abilities of individuals and combine them for myself.

Do you believe in life after death?

Toto Wolff (Bild: APA/AFP/Andrej ISAKOVIC)
Toto Wolff

What was perhaps the biggest stupid thing you've done in your life?
Starting a record attempt on the Nürburgring - the stupidest idea of my life. Although Niki (Lauda) warned me at the time and said: "Don't be so stupid, you could kill yourself, nobody cares about a lap time at the Nürburgring", I went for it.

When were you really lucky?
Here we are at the Nürburgring again - my accident in 2009 was really bad. There were minutes of fear involved.

When do you lose your patience?
All the time! You notice it most when we as a team don't meet our own expectations.

What do you have far too little time for?
I make time for the things that I simply enjoy doing.

What are you proud of?
My marriage and my three children.

What do you spend too much money on?
When I buy something, I try to make a deal with myself. I have to have the impression that the object must be worth more than I paid for it.

Toto Wolff (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Toto Wolff

Doyou hold grudges?
Not at all. I say this: play hard, forgive quickly, apologize when you're wrong.

What would your primary school teacher say about you today?
I once had a math teacher who shouldn't have allowed me to take my A-levels at 18 because of my average grade, but he still gave me the green light to apply and said: "I don't want to stand in your way." Today he would probably say: Well done.

What luxury would you not want to do without?
I can do without all material things. For me, spending time with my wife Susie and the children is a luxury.

Is theresomething you resolve to do every day?
I always try to keep a sense of humor and laugh heartily at least once a day. That's the case today at breakfast with the "Krone" ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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