Nasty revenge plan

Woman spills wine worth €2.5 million

28.06.2024 20:19

A woman in Spain is said to have deliberately spilled around 60,000 liters of top-class wine in a winery as revenge. The damage is said to amount to more than €2.5 million.

The former employee of the winery was arrested as a suspect in Villaescusa de Roa, around 40 kilometers north of Madrid, the TV station RTVE, the newspaper "La Vanguardia" and other media reported on Friday, citing the authorities.

In revenge for dismissal
The responsible police unit, the Guardia Civil (Civil Guard), confirmed this information on request. According to the findings, the woman is said to have acted out of revenge because she had previously been dismissed from the well-known winery Bodegas Cepa 21. The alleged act of sabotage took place in February in the municipality of Castrillo de Duero, around 150 kilometers north of Madrid. The incident caused quite a stir in Spain.

"Bittersweet feeling"
The president of the damaged company, José Moro, has now told "La Vanguardia" that he has a "bittersweet feeling" following the arrest. Although he is now "relieved and happy" about the alleged clarification, he still cannot understand "how such a sacrilege could have been committed". He is also sad that the spilled wine is lost forever and cannot be enjoyed. Not to mention the "economic blow" to his winery, Moro emphasized.

Burglary recorded by cameras
The break-in was recorded by security cameras on the night of February 18. Videos published by the media at the time showed how a masked person entered the storage room of the winery in the prestigious Ribera del Duero wine region at around half past three in the morning and opened the taps of five steel tanks containing wine from premium brands such as Malabrigo and Horcajo in less than a minute.

From the outset, it was assumed that the intruder must have known his way around the plant very well. The suspect has since been released on conditional release as there is no risk of escape, it was reported.

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