Mother (40) died

Alpine pasture remains a no-go zone after fatal cow attack

29.06.2024 10:00

The shock in the Gastein Valley (Salzburg) continues to run deep after the fatal cow attack. Farmers appeal: Hikers should now avoid the alpine pasture area around the scene of the accident ...

Always a smile on her lips, a friendly word for all passengers - big or small, old or young. That's how the 40-year-old was known in the Gastein valley. The bus driver from Pongau was popular and appreciated - which makes the reactions to her unexpected death all the more shocking! The woman lost her life on her 40th birthday on Wednesday during a hike with her two daughters (20 and 23) and two small dogs. Attacked and trampled to death by an aggressive herd of cows.

Last, silent greeting
The condolences can be seen far and wide in the Gastein Valley: her employer has hoisted the black flag in front of the Gastein Postbus service station. It is a last, silent greeting. No colleague wants to speak openly about the almost incomprehensible tragedy. They are "deeply saddened" and "full of sympathy for the bereaved", they said when asked.

The farmer's family, who own the cows, reacted with similar shock and sadness: "Our deepest sympathies go out to the relatives, we ask for your understanding." Hikers should avoid the affected alpine pasture in the Schlossalm area in Bad Hofgastein, the alpine path there is closed until further notice. Further measures could follow.

The unbelievable happened not far from the Schlossalm cable car. (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
The unbelievable happened not far from the Schlossalm cable car.

Police report goes to the judiciary, which then takes over
Meanwhile, the investigation is ongoing: As Hans Wolfgruber from the police explains, the relatives and first responders are still being interviewed to get a clear picture of what happened. "The report will then be sent to the public prosecutor's office, which will decide how to proceed," says Wolfgruber. However, criminal proceedings, for example for negligence, are unlikely.

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