Electricity cost "candy"

If you want this subsidy, you have to be quick!

28.06.2024 21:10

The federal government is currently sending out letters regarding the so-called electricity cost subsidy. If you want this, you have to be very quick - according to the letter, the deadline is Sunday, June 30. This "is not without a certain humor", writes a "Krone" reader reporter.

The following passage can be read at the end of the application: "However, we recommend that you submit applications as soon as possible, as this is the only way that the supplementary electricity cost subsidy can be taken into account in the next annual or final statement." The reader received the corresponding information from Finanzonline on Friday, June 28. He suspects a "pre-election gift".

Only four or more people per metering point
However, not everyone in Austria can benefit from this. The prerequisite is that at least four people receive electricity via the same metering point and all had their main residence at the address on the cut-off date of July 1, 2023. Each additional person would also be taken into account, according to the letter. However, people do not have to live in a single household.

According to the application, the deadline is only two days later. (Bild: Leserreporter)
According to the application, the deadline is only two days later.
The "Krone" reader has marked the date of issue. (Bild: Leserreporter)
The "Krone" reader has marked the date of issue.

In some cases, the supplementary electricity allowance is automatically taken into account, in others, residents must submit an online application. This requires an identification number and verification number, which are included in the letter. The subsidy does not depend on income and - if granted - is taken into account in the next electricity bill. "Direct payment is not possible," it says.

Third period to follow
"In recent months, the German government has introduced numerous measures to cushion the impact of rising energy costs. One of these measures is the electricity cost brake, which is now being expanded to include the so-called supplementary electricity cost subsidy," says the government.

This is now for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2023, with a third tranche to follow, which will also be processed automatically in many cases. Anyone who has to submit an application will again be informed separately.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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