"Krone" championship series

Deep fall prevented and championship title clinched

29.06.2024 11:30

Eugendorf's 1b marched confidently through the 2nd class North A. However, before the start of the season, it was not known what the team would look like. The mixture of young and old was the key to success.

"The key was that we really strengthened the coaching team," said Eugendorf's sporting director Christof Kopleder, quickly identifying the success factor for 1b's championship title in the 2nd division North A. The trio consisting of Wolfgang Suppan, Martin Jäger and Christian Gschaider formed a powerful squad from the youngsters from Flachgau, which in the end clearly prevailed with an impressive goal difference of 99:17 and 17 points ahead of St. Georgen.

Captain Benjamin Grössinger (left) with the championship plate. (Bild: zVg)
Captain Benjamin Grössinger (left) with the championship plate.
The players training in Croatia. (Bild: zVg)
The players training in Croatia.
The beach was also inspected during the training camp. (Bild: zVg)
The beach was also inspected during the training camp.

However, it didn't look like that at first. "We had to find a team first. It all looked like it was going to fall apart," says coach Wolfgang Suppan. Over the course of the season, however, it became clear how strong the team is. "We have a good mix of young and old. You could see that it's a good unit." The 27-year-old captain Benjamin Grössinger led the way with routine and experience, supporting his 17- and 18-year-old colleagues. Those who only come from Eugendorf. That is also very important to those responsible. "And things are going well at the moment," says the head coach happily.

The kickers put the finishing touches to their training camp in Croatia in the spring. "The team structure was sharpened there," Kopleder was convinced by the trip to Medulin. According to Kopleder, playing in the 1st division next season is also important for the young players: "It certainly won't be easy because the league has been really good since the reform. But they can develop better." After that, the leap into the Salzburg league should also be easier.

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