Global ranking

Only one car manufacturer is more innovative than the Chinese

29.06.2024 06:00

The Chinese are increasingly moving into the fast lane and taking the top spots in the ranking of the most innovative companies. But it is a German manufacturer that is still at the top - albeit by a narrow margin.

"For the annual analysis period 2023/2024, there is a radical shift in innovative strength in favor of Chinese car manufacturers," announced the Center of Automotive Management (CAM) in Bergisch Gladbach. According to the report, five Chinese companies are among the ten most innovative manufacturers for the first time. However, the German car manufacturer BMW is still just ahead with the most technological innovations.

For the ranking, the automotive experts analyzed the technological innovations of 30 global car manufacturers with a total of 100 car brands. 709 technological innovations were recorded individually and evaluated according to criteria such as originality and customer benefit.

BMW's lead is so narrow
With 70 series innovations and 27 world firsts, BMW achieved an index score of 151, putting it just ahead of Chinese manufacturers Geely (149.4 index points) and SAIC (136.8 points). The Mercedes-Benz Group took fifth place with 89.8 points, followed by the Volkswagen Group with 85.9 index points.

The top ten included three more manufacturers from China: BYD, Xpeng and GAC. "We are experiencing a tectonic shift in the balance of power in the global automotive industry in favor of Chinese automotive companies, which can increasingly be seen in their innovative strength," explained study director Stefan Bratzel.

Chinese double their share of innovation
According to the study, the group of Chinese manufacturers accounted for 46% of global innovative strength in the current year - a record figure. In 2019, the share was still 21 percent. Conversely, the innovative strength of German car manufacturers fell from 45% in 2019 to currently 23%.

According to CAM, US manufacturers are losing even more innovative strength. General Motors and Ford are responsible for the decline compared to the previous year, only reaching 15th and 16th place this year after fifth and sixth place respectively. Tesla landed in 13th place (previous year: 15th place).

According to the data, innovation among Japanese manufacturers has been on the rise for several years, albeit at a low level. Toyota in particular is making up ground and has improved from tenth to fourth place.

The upswing among Chinese car manufacturers was also evident this year in e-cars. According to a CAM study from April, Chinese companies are also responsible for 45 percent of global innovative strength in this area. German manufacturers accounted for 20 percent.

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