
Seine in Paris still not clean enough!

28.06.2024 21:15

Less than a month before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris, the water quality of the Seine is still not good enough to organize competitions there as planned! This is according to the water quality report published on Friday by the City and Region of Paris for the week of June 17-23.

"Water quality remains impaired due to unfavorable hydrological conditions - rainfall, high flow velocity, low solar radiation, temperatures below the seasonal norm and pollution in the upper reaches of the river," the report states.

Around 1.4 billion euros have been invested in wastewater treatment plants and the sewage system in the greater Paris area with a view to the Olympics in order to make the prestigious swimming competitions in the Seine possible against a Parisian backdrop.

(Bild: AFP)

The hope now is simply for better weather
During heavy rainfall in the penultimate week of June, a retention basin costing around 90 million euros was used for the first time. In the event of heavy rainfall, this can prevent wastewater from being discharged into the Seine, which was previously practiced in such weather conditions.

Nevertheless, the contamination of the Seine with pathogens is still too high. At higher temperatures and a lower water level, these pathogens are broken down more quickly in the water, according to the city and region. The hope now is simply for better weather.

Opening ceremony of the Games at risk
The current high water level of the river and the resulting increased flow speed also puts the opening ceremony of the Games at risk, as the newspaper "Libération" reported. The plan is that, for the first time in the history of the Games, the opening ceremony will not be held in a stadium but in the heart of the host city.

Around 160 boats are to take the teams and thousands of athletes on a six-kilometer route along the Seine on 26 July, passing the most beautiful sights from the Pont d'Austerlitz to the Trocadéro. However, with an increased flow speed, the boats would need 15 minutes less than planned for the route and would disrupt the schedule, which is calculated down to the second.

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read the original article here.

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