Neureuther in conversation

Our “favorite Piefke” hopes for an “awesome final”

29.06.2024 07:23

The "Krone" talked to former ski star Felix Neureuther about the wave of euphoria and Austria's "miracle team".

Felix Neureuther is beaming all over his face when he chats to Die Krone about the EURO in his home country of Germany. "This tournament is simply unbelievable, sweeps the crowds away!" A German party zone that unites people from all over Europe, providing fans with fun and unforgettable moments. "This European Championship is something that today's society can really use. Because it simply creates a positive atmosphere from A to Z."

Kroos? "Important for the team structure"
Our "favorite Piefke", who had great ski duels with his buddy Marcel Hirscher for years, is also enthusiastic about the German hosts. "This mix of youth and experience that team boss Julian Nagelsmann has brought together simply fits. All the players know what a privilege it is to be part of this home European Championship. That's how they perform." And then, for Neureuther, there's also the Toni Kroos factor. "His charisma, his calmness, his routine are incredibly important for the team structure."

DFB team boss Julian Nagelsmann (Bild: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
DFB team boss Julian Nagelsmann

And then Felix gets straight down to analyzing the Austrians. And gets really euphoric. "I can tell you that your team inspires not only in Austria, but far beyond its borders! Not just because of the great soccer, but above all because of the team spirit."

"What an awesome dream final would that be?"
Austria under team boss Ralf Rangnick is a perfect example, far beyond the pitch. "This team shows how important it is to stick together, how to work together. That's why I hope you go extremely far." Preferably all the way to the final! "Because I have a big dream: Germany against Austria in the final. Are you crazy, what a great dream final that would be?"

ÖFB team boss Ralf Rangnick (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
ÖFB team boss Ralf Rangnick

Felix is also really happy with how the "Beweg Dich schlau Championship" initiative, which he and ServusTV launched three years ago, has developed. 10,000 children from all over Austria took part, and the local heroes from FC Schladming won the grand final last weekend. "So many happy children, so many shining eyes, so many coaches, parents and supporters in the audience. These goosebump moments with all-round happy people do something to you." Just like those at the new edition of the soccer summer fairytale in Germany!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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