12-year-old girl abused

Convicted rapist nominated for the Olympics

29.06.2024 11:04

This Olympic nomination is causing a stir: Dutchman Steven van de Velde served time in prison for raping a 12-year-old girl - he will be taking part in the Games in Paris this summer.

The 29-year-old beach volleyball player was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 after he used alcohol to make a girl he had met on Facebook compliant and abused her. However, he was released after just one year.

After his release, Van de Velde matured into a top athlete. In Paris, he will be chasing medals together with his partner Matthew Immers.

Seven van de Welde with his partner Matthew Immers (Bild: APA/EXPA/FLORIAN SCHROETTER)
Seven van de Welde with his partner Matthew Immers

"Exemplary professional and person"
The Dutchman's nomination naturally caused quite a stir. "We know Steven's story," said the general director of the national volleyball association, Michael Everaert. The 29-year-old has served his sentence and is fully integrated into the volleyball community. He has proven that he is an exemplary professional and person.

Steven van de Welde (Bild: AP)
Steven van de Welde

Van de Velde himself said that thanks to the support of family and friends, he was able to put the "biggest mistake of my life" behind him. He said he was grateful to have been given a second chance.

Criticism from US organization
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) did not want to comment further on the nomination, referring to the Dutch committee, which is responsible for this. The US organization SafeSport, which is dedicated to the fight against sexual abuse in sport, expressed its "deep concern" that an athlete who was convicted of raping a minor was allowed to take part in the Olympics. This sends a dangerous message.

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read the original article here.

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