"Krone" interview

“I’ll be proudly wearing an Austria jersey at the European Championships”

30.06.2024 18:00

Icelander Thorsteinn Einarsson is a big name in the local music scene. He revealed to "Krone" why he has now come full circle and what connects him to East Tyrol.

"Krone": You came to Austria at the age of five. Doyou now feel Austrian and what is the connection to Iceland?
Thorsteinn Einarsson: The connection to Iceland is stronger than ever. I spent a lot of time there a few years ago. I also have more contact with my family. But Austria is my home. I'm proud to wear an Austrian jersey at the European Championships. The older you get, the stronger your ties to home become. But Icelander or Austrian - I'm both. I am simply me and as a person I feel like both.

Heinfels Castle will be the venue for Thorsteinn Einarsson's first concert in East Tyrol on August 30th. (Bild: Alphamedia Tirol GmbH)
Heinfels Castle will be the venue for Thorsteinn Einarsson's first concert in East Tyrol on August 30th.

Your music has changed over the years. In the beginning it was quieter songs, but since 2023 it has become much faster.
It has gained more character. I myself have developed as a songwriter. But I also like big movies and therefore fast numbers. I'm now moving much more in the 140 bpm range (note: beats per minute). In the beginning I could only write ballads, but then I realized that I had a gap because I need fast numbers live. Now I can do it really well and I like it. I've honed my craft and that's a good thing.

But the language you sing in is still English. Will it stay that way?
Yes, definitely! There will certainly be some German or Icelandic from time to time. But to make a change now would be wrong - and it won't happen.

You were also recently on the ORF show "Die große Chance". What was the experience like for you as a judge there?
It was very pleasant because you didn't have to be nervous. On the other hand, it's live for three hours and you have to be careful not to say a stupid word (laughs). But it was surreal: ten years after my own performance. It's a privilege to be able to do that. There are more and more of these moments now where you look back. It was like the end of a period of my life. Now we're starting again and I'm really looking forward to it.

Concert in East Tyrol

The concert will take place on August 30 at 8 pm at Heinfels Castle. Information and tickets at www.pretix.eu/alphamedia

Was that one of your career highlights so far?
Definitely! Winning the Amadeus was also very nice. Playing on the Danube Island is also a highlight. It feels like I'm reaching a new point in my career. I don't know what it is yet, but something tells me: 'Keep going and keep at it'.

In August you are giving a concert at Heinfels Castle - a great setting. What is your connection to East Tyrol and what can the guests look forward to on this evening?
I was once in East Tyrol when I played at the Dolomitenmann. Now I'm looking forward to my first real and, above all, my own concert. I would also like to see lots of people from the region. If not because of my music, then because of the location. The organizers have planned something brilliant. It should be a great concert with a great backdrop.

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