
Delight at the end of the planned water feature

30.06.2024 06:00

A round table on the redesign of the historic square brought some improvements. What do Krone readers think?

It is one of the most important and beautiful places in the city - Michaelerplatz. It has survived 300 years unscathed and has lost none of its splendor. When the redesign plans were made public, a murmur went through Vienna and even experts shook their heads.

City Councillor Ulli Sima (SPÖ) and "Krone" publisher Christoph Dichand invited people to a round table. This prevented the planned water feature, bollard planting, raised beds and raised borders around the tree grates. Particularly important: a strategic concept for historic squares was commissioned.

This is what the original plans for Michaelerplatz looked like. (Bild: ZOOMVP.AT)
This is what the original plans for Michaelerplatz looked like.

No allotment garden atmosphere
And what do the Krone readers say? Above all, the end of the water feature is causing rejoicing. "An allotment garden and playground atmosphere on Michaelerplatz? That would be a disfigurement. There are enough places in Vienna where children can play," says Patricia. But not in this historic square.

Solutions must be found
There is also support for the idea of planting a few trees that fit the bill in view of the rising heat.

However, our readers are still debating how to deal with historic squares in the future. One thing is clear: solutions need to be found quickly.

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read the original article here.

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