Jacqueline Hrust

She puts the finishing touches to the wedding look

30.06.2024 12:55

Make-up artist Jacqueline Hrust takes care of brides' looks and is a real pro at it. She revealed her styling secrets to the "Krone".

The Wolfurt native was interested in fashion and design from an early age. She graduated from the HTL clothing technology college in Dornbirn. "At first, I wanted to go into fashion design, but then I became fascinated by hair and make-up." This was perhaps also due to the fact that the trained hairdresser and make-up artist focuses on the overall fashion package. "When I style a bride, I have to pay attention to what goes with her dress and accessories."

Word of mouth and nervous brides
Jacqueline Hrust has been self-employed for ten years and has mainly dedicated herself to bridal styling. She started out step by step alongside being a mother - she has two children - until her business really took off five years ago. Great partners, such as Gabi Micheluzzi from "Hochzeitsfeen" and networking platforms have helped her to raise her profile. However, it is especially nice to be recommended to others. "The best feedback for my work is when a bride feels comfortable and passes it on," she explains.

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Jacqueline's style is a successful combination of femininity and coolness. She loves to complement her clothes with an eye-catching accessory.

(Bild: Shourot)

Daniela Erath-Mohr Stil- und Farbberatung Stilsicher

Jacqueline is now booked for around 50 to 60 weddings a year. "It's such a lovely job, the brides are happy and you can also be an emotional support," she says of her additional role as a calming influence for nervous wedding guests. Despite all the beautiful surroundings, hair and make-up always take center stage.

"Today's bride loves naturalness. Not too much make-up and the hair shouldn't look too perfect either." It is then up to Hrust's craftsmanship to emphasize the personality of her customers. "You shouldn't look painted on, but fresh and radiant." Her many years of experience as a make-up artist and numerous further training courses help her to achieve this.

Outside of the wedding season, she offers permanent make-up in her studio in Wolfurt and also does styling for special occasions or corporate advertising shoots. "It's a welcome change that I enjoy just as much."

The stylist's personal styling is a mix of basic and eye-catching accessories. (Bild: Shourot)
The stylist's personal styling is a mix of basic and eye-catching accessories.

As the Wolfurt native sometimes stands in front of the camera herself when styling weddings, she naturally also attaches great importance to her appearance. "If I'm being immortalized on Memories, it can be a bit more make-up." Otherwise, Jacqueline admits that she often has "no make-up days" and that her own craft sometimes suffers. "I have a simple style and prefer my hair tied up in a practical bun."

When it comes to her choice of clothes, she goes for a sporty oversize look and is not afraid of a break in style between elegant and edgy. "I'm a sneaker fan and like to wear a rough leather jacket with a chic look." She occasionally goes "hunting" for new, special pieces in the shoe bar in Dornbirn because she appreciates personal advice. Jacqueline's style therefore consists of casual basic pieces, which she enhances with unusual accessories or cuts: "With attention to detail and an eye for the overall look."

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