Superfan tells

“Thank you, Peter Alexander! He has given me so much”

30.06.2024 11:00

Today would have been Peter Alexander's 98th birthday. Styrian Gernot Pachernigg wants to say thank you to the unforgotten entertainer and dedicates a musical tribute to him - in a place that stands for Peter Alexander like no other.

The unforgettable music of Peter Alexander swings in a rehearsal room in Graz-Andritz. Gernot Pachernigg is working with three musicians on the birthday show for his great idol. The Peter Alexander memorial quiff is in place, as is the pomade in his hair. The 43-year-old singer in a black tuxedo will decide at short notice whether he will embark on the musical journey down memory lane. The playlist of unforgettable melodies, arranged in a jazzy, casual swing style, will celebrate its premiere tonight in St. Wolfgang (Upper Austria).

"Doing a show like this is a hot ticket," says the Styrian, eagerly awaiting the big moment. "I don't know yet whether the audience will like it, but I'm taking the risk with all my heart."

"I have the blessing from above for this revue"
In the almost sold-out Peter Alexander Revue, the Styrian not only wants to sing, but also tell a story on the great entertainer's birthday. And there are plenty of them in St. Wolfgang. Peter Alexander filmed the musical comedy "Im weißen Rössl" here with Waltraud Haas in 1960.

"I incorporate the residents' memories of the filming into the revue and let die-hard fans have their say," says the swing musician, giving a glimpse into his show concept. It was a godsend that the Austropopper realized this long-planned heart project. "I believe I have the blessing from above."

"I would never have got into music without him"
Gernot Pachernigg wants to take the wind out of the sails of critics who see this homage as nothing more than a cheap copy and profiteering. A lifelong dream is fulfilled The musician, who has also performed on stage with Rainhard Fendrich, spontaneously sings the classic "Komm und bedien' dich". This song has shaped his life. "Without Peter Alexander, I would probably never have got into music. My mother showed me the first films, and when I saw 'Charly's Aunt', I was hooked."

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I don't want to do an imitation, I don't want to be a Peter Alexander lookalike, I want to bring his songs back to the stage in a new musical arrangement in my own way

Gernot Pachernigg

Peter Alexander was a distant substitute father for the foster child. "As I grew up without a father, I looked for idols from television. Peter Alexander is much more than an idol for me. I want to honor the person who gave me so much. I owe that to probably the greatest entertainer in the country." At the same time, Pachernigg regrets that there is no place of pilgrimage for the many fans. "The villa in Grinzing has been demolished, the house on Lake Wörthersee is closed."

"Peter Alexander was enthusiastic about me"
The musician with the roguish charm never met his idol in person. Nevertheless, Peter Alexander took a liking to the Starmania contestant from 2007, who performed a song by his great idol on the show. Days later, the fan mail also included an autograph from Peter Alexander, dedicated "to Mr. Gernot, sincerely Peter Alexander - who else has", beams Gernot Pachernigg, who is also coming to Styria with his revue (2.8. St. Margarethen/Raab; 3.8. Kainbach near Graz).

And this wave of remembrance is set to continue, "because I also want to celebrate Peter Alexander's 100th birthday in two years' time in a dignified and grand manner."

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