Heavy fine

Villach “parking offender” goes to court

29.06.2024 18:45

A simple parking ticket is a Villach man's undoing. The penalty ended up in court and the "Krone" reader was ordered to pay a high fine. Unjustly, in his opinion ...

When the "Krone" reader parked in the center of Villach over two years ago, he had no idea that his actions would end up in court.

Because the man from Villach had forgotten to buy a parking ticket, he received a parking ticket. "But there is no longer a parking zone in this area. I was there several times myself and didn't find any obvious signs. And I was standing outside the towing zone," explains the man from Villach in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper. And so he didn't see why he should pay the fine.

"Parking ticket" ends up in court
In the meantime, the case ended up in court, which fined the man from Villach a hefty 110 euros. On enquiring at the Villach criminal investigation department, the "Krone" reader was then informed that he would have to pay as much as 190 euros. "Apparently not even they know how much I have to pay," says the annoyed Villach resident, who could soon be called in by the executor if he doesn't pay the fine.

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Not even they seem to know how much I have to pay.

ärgert sich der Villacher

Although his lawyer also sees little chance of success for the man, he won't let up, because: "Why should I pay for something that wasn't illegal?" The man from Villach now wants to try his luck in court and have the proceedings reopened by the responsible judge. Whether Mr. Rat will agree to the request remains questionable M. Tratnik

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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