Safety Day

Fire department, police, rescue service and co. up close and personal

29.06.2024 15:00

Klagenfurt's Kalvarienberg fire department is celebrating its anniversary with a very special safety day at the Schleppe-Alm. The whole Saturday is full of highlights!

It's not just the fire department, police, ambulance service and army that are showing what they can do at the big safety day organized by the Kalvarienberg fire department on the occasion of its 100th anniversary at the Schleppe-Alm - the mountain rescue service, mountain rescue team, rescue dog brigade, Öamtc, civil defence association and the public order office are also there to present their exciting and often life-saving work to young and old.

Of course, everything can also be tried out in practice - from first attempts at extinguishing fires, abseiling and equipment tests to helicopter flights.

"We are thrilled by the great interest shown by the visitors, who also watch various operational demonstrations throughout the day and motivate the teams," says Birgit Steinacher from the Kalvarienberg fire brigade.

Young firefighters in action
One of the morning's highlights was the demonstration by the Kalvarienberg youth fire department, who extinguished a burning house. The young Florianis are also celebrating their 20th anniversary and are always happy to welcome new comrades.

Young Zillertaler in the marquee
At 8 p.m., the young Zillertaler will take over and create a great atmosphere in the marquee. The party continues into the night.

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read the original article here.

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