Donations needed

Sanctuary for disabled cats threatened with closure

30.06.2024 09:00

Bettina Bernadowitsch from Styria dedicates her life to cats in need of care. Now she has to move out of her house, where she runs a unique sanctuary for cats, and urgently needs help. Without donations, the flagship project is in danger of failing.

Upon entering the Katzenhoffnung Steiermark sanctuary, animal lovers' hearts are immediately lifted: Cats run towards you meowing and waiting to be stroked. The animals are cheerful and cuddly - despite paraplegia and incontinence.

It is thanks to Bettina Bernadowitsch from Styria that these velvet paws have such a good life and were not put to sleep. The former hotel manager has given up her career and has dedicated her life to her pets in need of care for almost ten years.

Cuddly, grateful and full of life: thanks to Bettina Bernadowitsch's commitment, the cats enjoy their lives despite their handicaps. (Bild: Baumgartner)
Cuddly, grateful and full of life: thanks to Bettina Bernadowitsch's commitment, the cats enjoy their lives despite their handicaps.

"Disabled cats also have the right to live"
In 2015, the animal rights activist bought a house in Söding-St. Johann (Voitsberg district) and extensively converted it into a sanctuary. She now sacrificially looks after 50 cats around the clock that are in need of care after accidents, illness or abuse. "My mission is to make people aware that such cats also have a right to life and quality of life despite their illnesses," says the cat mom, who is known far beyond the Styrian borders and has already been awarded the Animal Welfare Prize of the Province of Styria for her commitment.

How you can help the cats

  • The purely donation-financed association Katzenhoffnung Steiermark - Paradies für "HandiCats" runs a sanctuary for disabled cats.
  • For legal reasons, an animal shelter at this location is no longer possible in the future. The animal welfare organization is therefore looking for a new property and needs to rebuild it in an animal-friendly way. The association is dependent on donations to cover the costs.
  • All information and donation options can be found at
  • Donation account: Katzenhoffnung Steiermark, IBAN: AT08 1200 0100 3890 5419

A neighbor's resentment has serious consequences
But now the unique cat paradise is facing the end. Following a change in the zoning plan, a disgruntled neighbor revealed that the operation of an animal shelter is not permitted in this zone. This was followed by numerous court hearings, right up to the provincial administrative court.

And even though everything is in order in terms of animal welfare and experts were unable to detect any odor or noise pollution: Legally speaking, Bernadovich is no longer allowed to run an animal shelter in her house, and a temporary transitional permit is about to expire. "I could stay in the house myself, but I would have to close the sanctuary. That's out of the question for me. I stand or fall with my cats," says the animal rights activist. For the cats, the end of the sanctuary would probably be a certain death sentence, as there is no comparable facility where cats are cared for around the clock in a private home. And finding a suitable place for 50 cats in need of care is probably impossible.

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If I can't continue, the cats are threatened with being put to sleep. There is no comparable facility with family care around the clock.

Bettina Bernadowitsch, Gründerin und Obfrau des Vereins Katzenhoffnung Steiermark

(Bild: Radspieler Jürgen)
(Bild: zVg)
(Bild: zVg)

An unwanted new start - it won't work without donations
The only chance is now: Start again from scratch, buy a new house and convert it for the velvet paws. A huge feat for the charity, which is financed by donations. So the cat mom is now hoping for donations. The first glimmer of hope: there is an ideal property in neighboring Mooskirchen where an animal shelter is legally tenable. Now the hope for many helping cat friends is alive ...

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read the original article here.

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