Hundreds affected

Virus alert on Lake Garda: drinking water ban imposed

29.06.2024 15:36

The norovirus has broken out in Torri del Benàco on Lake Garda. Hundreds of people are affected. The authorities have imposed a ban on drinking water.

In the municipality of Torri del Benàco on Lake Garda, around 300 people have contracted gastrointestinal infections. Norovirus was detected in two samples analyzed from patients who visited the emergency room. This was reported by "corrieredelveneto".

The trigger is the norovirus, which causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The incubation period is up to two days and symptoms can last up to 60 hours.

There has been an outbreak of norovirus in Torri del Benàco on Lake Garda. (Bild: AFP/GARDEL BERTRAND / HEMIS.FR / HEMIS VIA AFP)
There has been an outbreak of norovirus in Torri del Benàco on Lake Garda.

50 people in emergency rooms
Between Thursday and Friday, around 50 people went to the emergency rooms of the hospitals in Peschiera del Garda, Villafranca, Bussolengo and Malcesine. None of them had to be hospitalized. Other people contacted general practitioners or local pharmacies due to similar symptoms.

"Have increased the chlorine dose in the pipes"
"Südtirolnews" quotes the director of the local waterworks, Carlo Voi, who confirms: "We have increased the chlorine dose in the pipes to be on the safe side".

The authorities suspect that the virus has spread via the drinking water network. Mayor Stefano Nicotra has therefore imposed a ban on drinking water, according to "corrieredelveneto". Until the situation has been clarified, residents should only drink bottled water.

Technicians from the environmental authority Arpav and the Lake Garda Waterworks (Ags) are currently examining water samples. The old sewage pipes could be overloaded due to the rising water level and heavy rainfall, reports "Südtirolnews". This could have led to contamination of the drinking water.

Norovirus causes sudden gastrointestinal inflammation
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes sudden gastrointestinal inflammation known as gastroenteritis. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Norovirus (symbolic image) (Bild:
Norovirus (symbolic image)

What to watch out for
It is particularly well known for outbreaks in community settings such as hospitals, cruise ships and schools. Transmission occurs through contaminated food, surfaces or direct contact with infected people. To protect yourself, thorough hand washing and hygiene are particularly important.

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