Double good cause

Ardent fans meet Seer on farewell tour

01.07.2024 16:00

State Parliament President Gottfried Waldhäusl gives Kolping residents a special gift for their milestone birthdays: for Alois Kuschal's 40th and Hermann Huber's 60th, the two are allowed to dine with their stars. The politician bought the meet & greet with the stars of the folk music scene at auction for 1000 euros for a good cause.

Gottfried Waldhäusl has been supporting the Kolping residential homes in Waidhofen an der Thaya for tens of years. These try to enable people with disabilities to lead as independent and fulfilling a life as possible.

The Second President of the Lower Austrian Parliament surprised two residents, who are both celebrating a milestone birthday this year, with a special gift: Alois Kuschal (40) and Hermann Huber (60). "At Andy Marek's Christmas show, I was lucky enough to buy two tickets for the Seer at auction for 1000 euros for a good cause. This also includes a nice meal and getting to know the band members," emphasizes Waldhäusl.

The double good cause
After the Seer 2024 were on their farewell tour, the tickets were sold out in the region and Waldhäusl learned that Kuschal and Huber are ardent Seer fans, the veteran politician took heart and gave the vouchers to the two for their 60th and 40th birthdays. "Otherwise they would never have had the chance to see them live on stage again and I only saw them last year at a gig in the Waldviertel anyway," emphasized Waldhäusl when handing over the special gift, with which he was able to do something good for the second time.

What's more, it is certainly something very special for a die-hard fan to spend this very personal meet and greet with the famous band.

Kolping family proves true integration
Why has Waldhäusl already supported Kolping with tens of thousands of euros? "Because caregivers and care recipients really live together in the Kolping Family. They are an integral part of city life and go to the pub as well as to events. They take a real part in society. I really appreciate that," he says, encouraging others to support the Kolping homes in Waidhofen in the Waldviertel.

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