After the TV disaster

“New York Times” now calls on Biden to withdraw

29.06.2024 16:39

US President Joe Biden is losing the support of the liberal media. In an editorial, the "New York Times" asks him to refrain from running again - and thus "serve his country".

It was an embarrassment for Joe Biden (81) and a triumph for Donald Trump (78). The TV duel between the (former) presidents is putting the oldest incumbent in US history under increasing pressure.

In order to serve the country, Biden must leave the race for another term in office, wrote the so-called Editorial Board of the "New York Times", a group of opinion journalists who work separately from the editorial board.

(Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur)

"Failed his own test"
It goes on to say that Biden is "the shadow of a great public servant". The debate between the president and his challenger Donald Trump showed that Biden "failed his own test". The Editorial Board includes a number of renowned opinion journalists and is intended to represent the values of the New York Times.

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Biden is the shadow of a great public servant. The debate between him and his challenger Donald Trump has shown that he has failed his own test.

Leitartikel in der „New York Times“

Biden has been an admirable president, the journalists wrote in the opinion piece. "Under his leadership, the nation has blossomed and begun to confront a series of long-term challenges."

(Bild: AP/The Associated Press)

The wounds "torn open by his Republican predecessor Trump have also begun to close". The greatest service Biden could now perform "would be to announce that he will not be running in the election," it continued.

During the TV debate on CNN on Thursday evening, Biden spoke with a hoarse voice and repeatedly got tangled up in his phrasing. He also left sentences unfinished and stuttered. Trump came across as much more energetic and focused.

Panic is spreading among US Democrats
A CNN poll showed that 67% of viewers saw Trump as the winner of the duel. The outcome of the debate caused concern among US Democrats. Biden himself rejected doubts about his suitability for another term in office. "I don't walk as casually as I used to, I don't speak as fluently as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth," he said at a campaign appearance in the state of North Carolina.

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