Urban-rural divide

Dramatic language barriers in our schools

29.06.2024 16:52

A recent study by Agenda Austria paints a dramatic picture: in Vienna in particular, but also in other urban areas, there are many "exceptional pupils" who are unable to follow lessons.

"The limits of my language are the limits of my world." A timelessly valid sentence by Ludwig Wittgenstein. It is particularly relevant today, especially as language is the first step towards integration - there are already alarming deficits in schools.

Agenda Austria has published a recent study. It deals with "exceptional pupils", i.e. those who, according to principals, are unable to follow lessons adequately almost exclusively due to language barriers.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/Adobe Stock)

Some Viennese districts stand out
"There is a clear correlation: districts where there are many children with non-German everyday language are also home to many exceptional pupils," says Carmen Treml from the liberal think tank Agenda. Conclusion: there is an enormous urban-rural divide. The inglorious frontrunner is Vienna-Margareten. 35 percent are exceptional pupils in elementary school. Some Viennese districts stand out, but also cities like Wels.

Parents also have a duty
When it comes to school matters, the German language must prevail, says the economist. There is nothing wrong with communicating in your native language at home or in the evening. But parents should also make an effort, even if it is more difficult for adults to learn languages.

"But you have to be aware that you are simply denying children opportunities for the future if you don't help them and introduce them to German."

Figures reveal the big problem
This is where the figures reveal the big problem in the federal capital. The "Krone" has already reported many times on this problem, on desperate teachers and sometimes untenable conditions. As has Susanne Wiesinger, teacher at a hotspot school in Vienna-Favoriten, author and "Krone" columnist. They can all sing eerily sad songs about it.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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