Goosebumps alert

“Have the tears come”

29.06.2024 17:43

Almost 20,000 musicians played their instruments together at the big concert at the Woodstock of Brass Music in Ort im Innkreis: Goosebumps alert all over the area despite the sweltering heat!

It is THE highlight of the Woodstock of Brass Music in Ort im Innkreis when 20,000 musicians play their instruments together - the big concert simply leaves no one indifferent. Stefan from Fulda (Germany), for example, said after the emotional festival moment: "I've only seen videos of the entire performance so far, but no video in the world shows how emotional it is. It brought tears to my eyes."

"It has such power"
During the complete performance, the musicians are divided up by instrument in front of the stage before they play hits such as "All In" by the Fäaschtbänkler or classics such as "Von Freund zu Freund" together with their Woodstock notebooks. Woodstock organizer Simon Ertl is also touched anew every year: "You get so much in return when our visitors play music together at the all in. It has such a power."

Musicians as far as the eye can see. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Musicians as far as the eye can see.
The musicians were divided up according to instrument. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
The musicians were divided up according to instrument.
Manfred Hirtenlehner conducted the magnificent concert. The sweltering heat did not stop the thousands of musicians from playing together. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Manfred Hirtenlehner conducted the magnificent concert. The sweltering heat did not stop the thousands of musicians from playing together.

Probably the largest orchestra in the world
The conductor of what is probably the largest orchestra in the world, Manfred Hirtenlehner, was also exhausted but happy after the successful music-making in hot 32 degree temperatures: "I invest a lot of time in this project, but it's worth every minute. It's very emotional." Governor Thomas Stelzer, Provincial Councillor Markus Achleitner and State Secretary Claudia Plakolm (all ÖVP) also enjoyed the goosebump experience together with the whole Woodstock team on stage.

At 32 degrees, everyone was happy to be cooled off by the fire department. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
At 32 degrees, everyone was happy to be cooled off by the fire department.
Governor Thomas Stelzer also mingled with the celebrating crowd together with "OÖ-Krone" editor-in-chief Alexandra Halouska. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Governor Thomas Stelzer also mingled with the celebrating crowd together with "OÖ-Krone" editor-in-chief Alexandra Halouska.

But the secret hero of this year's overall game was probably a fireman who hosed down the overheated musicians with lots of water - and was celebrated with chants of "Oh, how beautiful it is" in thanks. After the overall performance, everyone was clear: "We'll be back again next year."

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read the original article here.

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