After the shooting attack

Vow of revenge in Vienna court: “Blood for blood”

30.06.2024 06:00

In the feud between two families in Vienna, court transcripts provide a profound insight. The victims who were shot threatened the shooters after the verdicts: "Let them go. Blood for blood!"

A brawl between two families from ex-Yugoslavia near the water park in Vienna-Floridsdorf escalated completely after an MMA wrestling match in the Stadthalle because one party felt attacked by "stupid looking". Two Bosnians and a Persian were left shot. However, the accused shooters and a stabber - a building contractor and his three sons - were acquitted of attempted murder and "only" convicted of intentional grievous bodily harm (not legally binding). The sentences range from five months to seven years in prison.

"We will not give up"
A sister (24) of the victims, some of whom were seriously injured - one of the victims was wearing an ankle bracelet at the time of the crime, his brother was brought in from prison, where he was serving time for assault - made serious accusations in an interview with "Krone" after the jury's lenient verdict: "We will not give up. The verdicts are a disgrace to the state of Austria." And further: "It was not a debate. It was attempted murder!"

A flurry of blue lights during the large-scale police operation after the shooting attack in Vienna-Floridsdorf. (Bild: Thomas Wagner)
A flurry of blue lights during the large-scale police operation after the shooting attack in Vienna-Floridsdorf.

Her family of eleven is still suffering from the aftermath, and some of the younger children who witnessed the attack can't even go to school out of fear.

Angry screams echoed through the courtroom
Emotions also ran high in the courtroom, as the transcripts show. "Blood for blood, I () your mother. Let her go immediately!" echoed from the victim's side. And addressed to the chairman of the three-judge panel: "You are responsible for the next shooting in the 21st (editor's note: Vienna district)."

In any case, the security authorities are on alert, fearing a revenge attack on the streets.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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